Alen Hopek
2006-01-16 17:54:46 UTC
i need little some help. I try to extract text from a binary file
like a hexdump application.
In fact I try to read out from a Norton Ghost Image the
description entries from this image file. The data i need
starts from a the file position of 250 an has a length
of 200 Bytes.
If i read the file in binary mode from beginning or from
my start pointer i get to my messagebox some readable
characters until there is no zero value. If my application
reads a zero byte i get no more results to my messagebox.
Any Ideas ?
Alen Hopek
My Code for this:
OPEN "C:\image.gho" FOR BINARY AS #1
TempStr$ = ""
' Start position
SEEK #1, 250
position = LOC(#1)
' read 200 Bytes from Pointer
FOR a = 1 TO 200
GET$ #1, 1 , Char$
TempStr$ = TempStr$ + CHR$(Char$)
MSGBOX "Position in File: " + STR$(position) + $CRLF + _
"Data from File: " + TempStr$
i need little some help. I try to extract text from a binary file
like a hexdump application.
In fact I try to read out from a Norton Ghost Image the
description entries from this image file. The data i need
starts from a the file position of 250 an has a length
of 200 Bytes.
If i read the file in binary mode from beginning or from
my start pointer i get to my messagebox some readable
characters until there is no zero value. If my application
reads a zero byte i get no more results to my messagebox.
Any Ideas ?
Alen Hopek
My Code for this:
OPEN "C:\image.gho" FOR BINARY AS #1
TempStr$ = ""
' Start position
SEEK #1, 250
position = LOC(#1)
' read 200 Bytes from Pointer
FOR a = 1 TO 200
GET$ #1, 1 , Char$
TempStr$ = TempStr$ + CHR$(Char$)
MSGBOX "Position in File: " + STR$(position) + $CRLF + _
"Data from File: " + TempStr$