PowerBASIC-FAQ, english issue
(too old to reply)
Thomas Gohel
2006-05-01 08:53:00 UTC

PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.50
English Version (DOS)

(c) 1995/2005 by Thomas Gohel, All Rights reserved!
English Team: Thomas Geiger, Andras Hoeffken, Wolfgang Bruske

Date: 29.09.2005 - Version 1.00

Tip's, Trick's, Bug's and some more or less important stuff


Foreword to this FAQ

The links listed within this FAQ are provided without concern about
possible Copyright-Notices and without concern about any trademarks.
Further, the Author does not quarantee that the problems, hints and
bugs below are totally correct. Should you have suggestions to this
FAQ, pleasce contact me. I am open to suggestions and will let them
flow into future Versions of this FAQ.
I would also like to point out that some of the 'Bugs' in the 'Bugs
Section are only 'Bugs' in a matter of speech. Those mistakes or
barriers are documented here for all to see (So that future Versions
of PowerBASIC may be developed).


Suggestions may be presented to the Author of this FAQ at any time.
Current Netmail-Addresses are:

Thomas ***@2:2410/330.1 (FidoNet)
***@gohel.de (InterNet)

There is also the possibility to log into a Mailbox in which the
Author of this FAQ is reachable:

Port 1: +49-30-47300910 (PBSOUND HQ, Berlin - 64.0, ISDN, X75, V42B)
Port 2: +49-30-47300910 (PBSOUND HQ, Berlin - 33.6, VFC, V34, FAX)

You can post your suggestions and problems there. To do so, please
write a Message in the PBSOUND-Message-Area. An answer should be
available within 48 hours.

How to obtain the current PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ

The current PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ can be downloaded from my Home BBS online
anytime. The phone numbers are:

Port 1: +49-30-47300910 (PBSOUND HQ, Berlin - 64.0, ISDN, X75, V42B)
Port 2: +49-30-47300910 (PBSOUND HQ, Berlin - 33.6, VFC, V34, FAX)

Please switch to the 'PowerBASIC: FAQ'-Filearea after login.
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(Note: The PowerBASIC filebase is in german!)

Many of the Sources and Toolboxes mentioned in this FAQ can be
downloaded here online or using FidoNet Filerequest.

InterNet-Users can get the PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ anytime using World Wide
Web (WWW) under:

- http://www.gohel.de

A Request of this FAQ using FidoNet is possible using the Magic

Port 1: +49-30-47300910 (PBSOUND HQ, Berlin - 64.0, ISDN, X75, V42B)
Port 2: +49-30-47300910 (PBSOUND HQ, Berlin - 33.6, VFC, V34, FAX)

Further PowerBASIC-Magics are: PBSOUND and PBFILES.

Complete Index

1. Obtaining, Toolboxes, Prices and Infos about PowerBASIC
2. Errors/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC-Versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
3. PowerBASIC and the CoProcessor
4. Standardproblems
5. Hints in Connection with the InLine-Assembler
6. Hints in Connection with Pointers
7. Hints in Connection with Turbo-C or Borland C++
8. Hints to the Conversion of Sources from PDS to PowerBASIC 3.x
9. Available Shareware & Public Domain Solutions
10. The People from PowerBASIC

1. Obtaining, Toolboxes, Prices and Infos about PowerBASIC

1.1. The Current Versions of PowerBASIC
1.2. The Original Distributors of PowerBASIC
1.3. German Speaking Area
1.4. German PowerBASIC Prices
1.5. Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland
1.6. New in Version 3.1 of PowerBASIC
1.7. New in Version 3.2 of PowerBASIC
1.8. New in Version 3.5 of PowerBASIC
1.9. PowerBASIC - The next Generation

1.1. The Current Versions of PowerBASIC
The current Version of PowerBASIC in Germany (in January 1998) is
Version 3.50. This Version has been available in the US and other
countries since December 1997.

1.2. The Original Distributors of PowerBASIC
PowerBASIC was and is developed in the United States and there are
multiple possibilites to get contact to these people. Here are the
currently known addresses from PowerBASIC Inc.:

PowerBASIC, Inc.
1978 Tamiami Trail S.#200
Venice, FL 34293

Ordering : +1 (800) 780-7707
Service : +1 (941) 408-8700
Fax : +1 (941) 408-8820

World Wide Web : www.powerbasic.com
List of InterNet Sites : ***@powerbasic.com
Ordering : ***@powerbasic.com
Sales and Marketing : ***@powerbasic.com
Technical Support : ***@powerbasic.com
Suggestions for future
PowerBASIC Versions : ***@powerbasic.com
FTP- & WWW-Sites:
Newsgroups (english):
| Newsgroups (german):
| news.kannofant.de/de.comp.lang.powerbasic
| Hote: Needs authentication with user/password (basic/basic)!

1.3. German Speaking Area
In Germany PowerBASIC is distributed by "Kirschbaum Software GmbH".
The current address is:
Kirschbaum Software GmbH
Kronau 15
83550 Emmering
Phone: +49-8067-9038-0
Fax : +49-8067-903898

The current Version of PowerBASIC is Version 3.50. Following Toolboxes
are available from Kirschbaum:

PB/DLL - PowerBASIC DLL-Compiler for Windows
PowerGRAPH - for graphical Menu systems (PCX, Fonts, etc.)
PowerISAM - Databases (also available in English from PowerBASIC Inc.)
PowerTOOLS - SAA-Shell, Helpsystem, helpfull Routines
PB/xtra - Collection of Shareware programs and Source code

Kirschbaum does not have a Mailbox or any official EMail addresses!
There are some EMail addresses and Support-Areas or unofficial
Newsgroups etc. from the Toolbox Developers. In this case please see
the Manual of the Toolbox.

1.4. German PowerBASIC Prices
All prices noted here are NOT validated. Changes can occur at any time!
A currently valid pricing Information can be optained from Kirschbaum
by FAX.

Complete Version: 199,-DM
Complete Version 3.5 for Students, Pupils: 150,-DM
Update from VOBIS-Basisversion 2.10f to V3.5: 149,-DM
Update from V2.10 to V3.5: 149,-DM
Update from a 3.x-Version to V3.5: 36,80DM

| 1.5. Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland
| ----------------------------------------
| In some european countries (incl. Germany and Austria) PowerBASIC is
| distributed by:
| Berggreen Service
| Lodsgaarden A 111
| DK-2791 Dragoer
| ***@berggreen.dk
| http://www.berggreen.dk

1.6. New in Version 3.1 of PowerBASIC
- Userdefined Type- and Union-Variables can be compared directly.
- Constants in Binary, Hex or Octal Format (&B, &H, &O) can be set
to a specific Datatype, by simply adding the correct Identifier.
A?? = &HFFFF?? '= 65535
B% = &HFFFF% '= -1

- Constants (%Test) can have a 64-Bit Range (signed) from this
PowerBASIC Version on.
%MaxNumber = 500000
%Konst1 = &HFFFF '= -1 (Integer)
%Konst2 = &H0FFFF '= 65535 (Long)

When using Binary, Hexdecimal or Octal Numbers, adding a proceeding
Zero defines whether the calculated Value is signed or not.

- BIN$, HEX$ and OCT$ can now calculate Values up to 32Bit Long-

- From Version 3.1 on you can give alternative Names to SUBs or
FUNCTIONs, with which you can call these Subroutines from within
OBJ-Routines (compiled with Assembler or C).

SUB MySub ALIAS "_my_sub" (Var1%,Var2$) PUBLIC
PRINT "Hello", Var1%, Var2$

- The keyword ANY in a definiton of a Procedure allows the passing of
a parameter of any type. The parameter is then passed by REFERENCE
as a 32Bit Address. To let the Programm know what kind of type it
is you should pass a Type identification as the first parameter to the
Procedure. When this Procedure is coded in PowerBASIC, the Inline-
Assembler must be used to pass on the parameters.

i% = 11
CALL TestAny(0,i%) 'the free parameters must be Variables
s$ = "Hello"
CALL TestAny(1,s$)

SUB TestAny(ParamType AS INTEGER, ANY)
DIM String.Param AS STRING
CASE 0 'Integer
! les bx, [bp+6] :Load Offset of Var. in BX
! mov ax, es:[bx] ;Load Value of Var. in AX
! mov Int.Param, ax ;Load Varibale to AX
PRINT Int.Param
CASE 1 'String
;Load Offset of Stringmarker
! les bx, [bp+6] ;into BX
! mov ax, es:[bx] ;Load Stringmarker into AX
! mov String.Param,AX
PRINT String.Param

- The Return value of FUNCTIONs written with the Inline-Assembler can
now be set without using a temporary Variable. The Keyword FUNCTION
is used for this.

PRINT AsmTest(2)
! mov ax, int.param
! inc ax
! mov FUNCTION, ax ;the Value will be returned

(Also see chapter 'Hints with the Inline-Assembler')

- The use of FUNCTION instead of the Functionname is also possible
with FUNCTIONs coded in BASIC.

PRINT FuTest(2)
FUNCTION = int.param + 1

- The Function FRE() was extended:

FRE(-3) returns the free Space on the Stack
FRE(-4) returns the maximum Length available for dynamic Strings, set
using $STRING
FRE(-5) returns the Number of used Stringsegments
FRE(-6) returns the Number of unused Blocks in the current
FRE(-7) returns the amount of unused Memory in the current

1.7. New in Version 3.2 of PowerBASIC
- Data Pointers
- Code Pointers
Following Jumps can now be executed directly in BASIC:
"CALL DWORD x", "GOTO DWORD x" ans "GOSUB DWORD x". In this case "x"
is the 32Bit Pointer to a SUB/Function or the Label. (There is a
DIR$- Demo to the new Pointer- Functions.)

- 32-Bit implementation of:

- Pointer to Structures can now be passed on to a SUB/FUNCTION using
the "BYVAL" Keyword.

z = &HB8000000

- 16550 UART Support

- The LEN() Function now also returns the length of User-defined

- Labels ans Variables can now contain the so-calles Underlines '_' so
that they can be kept appart easier.

1.8. New in Version 3.5 of PowerBASIC
- some important Bugfixes
- ASCIIZ strings: Dim xyz as Asciiz * 100.
- Arrays as User Type Members, may have one or two static dimensions.
- & operator is recognized for string concatenation.
- STRING PTR is now legal as a Type/Union member.
- $ELSEIF metastatement.
- ASC(x$,n) function and statement offer an optional starting position.
- REDIM PRESERVE of the outer bound of dynamic and huge arrays only.
- RND() is a legal substitute for RND.
- RND(x,y) returns a LONG INTEGER in the range of x -> y.
- TRIM$() is a combination of LTRIM$() and RTRIM$().
- Indexed pointers: @xyz[2]
- DIM VIRTUAL x(1000000) arrays in ems memory, may not be dynamic strings
nor used as a ByRef parameter.
- HUGE and VIRTUAL Arrays may use LONG INTEGER indexes. With this
expansion, you may see a slight increase in the size of some code
generation. When a segment is now very close to the 64k limit, it
may require that $SEGMENT metastatements be moved.
- ERRCLEAR statement resets the error flag to nul.
- ERRCLEAR function returns ERR, then resets the error flag to nul.
- ERRCLEAR is a synonym for the old function Errtest.
- CVI(x$[,n]), CVL... offer an optional starting position in the string
CVL(x$,3) would extract the 3rd through 6th bytes of x$, and
convert the 4 bytes to the corresponding long integer value.
In this case, x$ must be at least 6 bytes long.
- SIZEOF(var) function returns the physical size of a variable,
particularly useful for determining the maximum length of a fixed-
length string, ASCIIZ string, or user-defined type. It always returns
2 for a dynamic string.
- STDIN x, y$ reads up to x characters from the standard input device
(which may be redirected), and assigns them to the string variable
specified. If less than x characters are ready immediately, then a
string shorter than x bytes is returned.
- STDIN LINE, y$ reads one line of text from the standard input device
(which may be redirected), and assigns them to the string variable
specified. When enf-of-file is reached, a one-byte string consisting
of a CHR$(26) is returned.
- STDOUT x$ [;] outputs the string expression x$ to the standard output
device (which may be redirected), followed by a cr/lf. If an optional
trailing semi-colon is included, then the cr/lf is suppressed.
- SETEOF #1 statement has been added to truncate an open file to
its current position.
- FRE(-11) returns the number of unallocated bytes of EMS memory.

1.9. PowerBASIC 4.0 - The next Generation / Wishlist
Such a short time before the release of V3.5 of the Compiler it is
naturally very, very hard to find Points for improvement, but they do
exist anyways.

- XMS Support for VIRTUAL Arrays
- SORT ARRAY Support fuer VIRTUAL Arrays
- 32bit Inline-Assembler
- Syntax Highlighting within the IDE
- A better IDE

2. Errors/Inconsistencies in PowerBASIC Versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2

2.0. PowerBASIC-Errorlibraries
2.1. The NUMERIC/OVERFLOW-Problem in PowerBASIC 3.0
2.2. The NUMERIC/OVERFLOW-Problem in PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2
2.3. No Overflow-Error with Doublewords
2.4. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE and compiled EXE's while loading
2.5. EXEs of different size when compiling with PB/PBC
2.6. Different EXE-Files with same Compilation
2.7. Problems with the Mouse within the IDE
2.8. The Fixup Overflow Syndrome
2.9. The story with ASCII-154 after a Remark in the Inline-ASM
2.10. Error 454: END FUNCTION expected
2.11. Another REMARK-Problem with $ALIAS
2.12. The Mistake CDWRD in the german Online-Help
2.13. The Mistake CVDWRD in the german Online-Help
2.14. Crash when pressing CTRL-C
2.15. Error when producing Output with "CONS:" and CTRL-C
2.16. The Problem with Error 244 in a Stand Alone EXE
2.17. Problems with linking of multiple Lines of Source
2.18. Problems with the WATCH-Window and multidimensional Arrays
2.19. Buggy internal Function/Variable: pbvScrnCols
2.20. Incorrect internal Function/Variable: pbvHost
2.21. A little difference in the new Inline-Assembler of V3.1/3.2
2.22. The dd-Problem in PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2
2.23. Undocumented internal Variables in PowerBASIC 3.0/3.1/3.2
2.24. The PRINT-Bug in PowerBASIC 3.2
2.25. The "File not found"-Error after using NAME
2.26. Calculationerror when using Constants
2.27. Wrong "Bit Movement" with ROTATE
2.28. Overflow when using FOR/NEXT-Loops
2.29. Overflow when using STEP -1 in FOR/NEXT-Loops
2.30. The Bug in the VARPTR32 Command
2.31. The "KEY ON" Bug
2.32. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE in the Pick- Menu
2.33. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE with faulty Syntax
2.34. Error when swapping variables using SWAP
2.35. The Multiplexer Interrupt Error in the REG-Command
2.36. Contents of a Directory will be deleted with KILL
2.37. The thing with the "USR" string
2.38. Runtimeerror in the PowerBASIC Helpcompiler
2.39. The Bug "Truncatig" in the PowerBASIC Helpcompiler
2.40. Crash of the PowerBASIC-IDE after calling its own Help

2.0. PowerBASIC-Errorlibraries
For better Security of your own programs I would recommend that you
link all Errorlibraries. This is the only way to make sure that
PowerBASIC shows a correct Error and not an unexplainable Error at:

SELECT CASE pbvrevision

You can remove all Errorlibraries in the finished program, because
they are only needed in development.
The $ERROR-Libraries can be linked within the IDE or directly in your
Source. The Settings in the Source are used above the Settings in the

The $ERROR-Libraries are linked as follows:


Note: Some of the Bugs shown here can only be found with these
Libraries linked!

2.1. The NUMERIC/OVERFLOW-Problem in PowerBASIC 3.0
Versions: 3.0
Known : partly removed in version 3.10

The problems shown here only apply to the use of unsigned variables
and are shown with variables of type WORD:

Example 1:
Demo?? = &hA000

causes an Overflow, because PowerBASIC interprets this as a signed
variable. This error can be solved by using a real number.
Similar effects can occur with the $NUMERIC-System when using the

Example 2:
Demo?? = REG(1)

can, under special circumstances, cause an Overflow, too, if the
passed value would be negative as INTEGER. This error can be solved,
if only using variables of type INTEGER with REG(), by removing the
NUMERIC-Library when compiling
It would be much better though to trash the old BASIC-Crap and do the
whole thing in InLine-Assembler right away! :-)

It is also interesting to see the 'floating' of error with deactivated
$ERROR NUMERIC library. The error occurs some later time in the
program, strangely at variables of type WORD, too. Even stranger that
you can at best see this at internal PowerBASIC variables of type

Another Overflow effect is hidden behind the PowerBASIC-Functions
variables MUST be of type WORD, else an Overflow can occur in bigger

2.2. The NUMERIC/OVERFLOW-Problem in PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2
Versions: 3.1/3.2
Known : Correction recommended at PowerBASIC Inc.

One shouldn't think that a new version lets the old bugs be forgotten

Example 1:
Demo?? = &hA000

can still cause an Overflow. This can't be demonstrated in one line
anymore, because it sometimes still occurs in very complex programs.
This still has not changed with version 3.20. Unlike version 3.00 this
bug can be passed by using definite unsigned variables:

Demo?? = &h0A000

Should you be Toolbox-Developer and want to make sure that your
sources work under PowerBASIC 3.0 then enter the following lines:

! mov ax, &hA000
! mov Demo??, ax

Example 2:
Demo?? = REG(1)

does not cause an Overflow anymore, as far as I know, but you can't be
sure about that. But one should still use variables of type INTEGER
when using REG. Many PowerBASIC-Functions work better now, others
still cause trouble. this affects some special routines which are only
set for INTEGER variables, but still work with variables of type WORD.

The Overflow problem with STRSEG/STRPTR, VARSEG/VAROTR and CODESEG/
CODEPTR is still existing.

2.3. No OVERFLOW-Error with Doublewords
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : Yes

There is no internal Overflow test for Variables of type Doubleword.
You can test this with a little example.

i??? = -1
PRINT i???

The cause for this problem lies within the Intel CPU itsself, because
there is no Overflow created that the Compiler could test for.

2.4. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE and compiled EXE's while loading
Versions: 3.0/3.1 (3.2 not tested)
Known : No (partly)

A Crash of the IDE while loading occurs rather rarely and can usually
be traced back to one of the following:

- QEMM Memorymanagementsystem (up to Version 7.03)
- extremly low ammount of free Low Dos Memory
- You have tried to load the IDE with the LOADHIGH-Command
- 4DOS

In most cases the IDE will return to the Commandline with a graphical
Error (Cursor within the IDE) while loading.
Also struck with this effect are all compiled PowerBASIC-EXE Files. If
you want to get around this effect at any cost, you will have to
compress the PowerBASIC-EXE with an EXE-Packer like PKLITE.

2.5. EXEs of different size when compiling with PB/PBC
This isn't really a Bug, because there is only a small difference in
the cause of the IDE-Compiler and the Commandlinecompiler, which
explains the differently sized EXE-Files.
The IDE always compiles the EXE-File with the Settings in the IDE,
meaning that if you don't want to compile the VGA-Lib into it, you set
it in the IDE. The PBC always compiles the VGA-Lib into it, IF you
haven't declared it differently with a Metastatement.
The Metastatements are always taken before the IDE-Settings!

2.6. Different EXE-Files with same Compilation
Versions: 3.0/3.1
Known : Seems so

A nice effect can be reported, when you compile Sources more than
once and then compare them with a Filecompare-Utility. If your free
Memory has changed, the created EXE-Files will be different.
As far as I see it, the two PowerBASIC Compilers save some Information
about the system they were compiled on, which are of Integer/Word type
and are at the Offset's &h9C/&hA0. (PB3.1) This effect can be shown as
well in the PB-IDE as with PBC.

Some say that PB-EXE-Files which were compiled under a PowerBASIC-
Shell with PBC seem to crash more often.

But even since I have been compiling all of my projects like this for
two years, I can not approve to this effect. Version 3.0 of the
PowerBASIC-Compiler SHELL seemed to cause other effects with big EXE-
Files. The problems were solved back then by using an alternativ

2.7 Problems with the Mouse within the IDE
Versions: 3.0
Known : Seems corrected in Version 3.1

Should you work with a Mouse in the IDE, so that you can insert and
cut Sorucecode easily, this could cause a partial crash when marking
long texts which go past the right screen border. Furthermore the
Mouse cursor does not mark the text correctly.
There also seem to be some problems when using the Mouse in the
80*43/50 Mode.

2.8. The Fixup Overflow Syndrome
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Correction demanded at PowerBASIC Inc.

This is my favorite Bug, since it is actually caused by a real error
in the programming of a PowerBASIC- User. The description in the
Manual, as well as in the Online-Help is slightly irritating, but
principally correct.

Personally I would decribe the Bug like this:

< new Bugdescription >
PowerBASIC could not find the named Jumpaddress. A possible cause for
this is a SHORT-Jump to a Label not in the valid Area for a SHORT-
Jump. Please check all Jumpcommands for validity.
< End >

There is a small Bug in this Errormessage in both PowerBASIC Versions.
But since the human mind will not really believe what is written
there, the Source is compiled again (without change). The IDE crashes
for doing that immediately.

I will save myself a closer description of the working of the
different Assemblercommands, especially the different ways of
addressing in relation to the CPU. There are many Assemblerbooks out
there, and they are something really needed for good programming with
the Inline-Assembler anyways.

2.9. The story with ASCII-154 after a REMARK in the Inline-Assembler
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

There is a nice little thing that can drive you crazy when doing good
commenting in the Inline-Assembler Source. It's the story with the
ASCII-154 after a REMARK (REM or ; ):

! nop ; Ue <- (ASCII-154)

PowerBASIC will in this case continue to run the program to the line with
the ASCII-154 (after the REM) and then stop. The hard guys can
trace the whole thing with the Debugger. They'll notice that in this
case PowerBASIC will simply add seven ASCII-Zeros to the Code and then
stops compiling.

2.10. Error 454: END FUNCTION expected
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

This Bug can occur when a comment in an Inline-Assemblerline contains
the ASCII- 154. Please read the previous paragraph for more

2.11. Another REMARK-Problem with $ALIAS
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

This error ist described quite easily. When you are using $ALIAS you
may not use ':' (ASCII 58) after a REMARK, because PowerBASIC
interprets this as an Error 462 (Undefined SUB/FUNCTION). This Problem
only occurs because of downward compatability to GWBASIC!

$ALIAS DATA AS "_DATA" ': Fit C-Segments to PowerBASIC
causes Error 462

2.12. The Mistake CDWRD in the german OnLine-Help
Versions: 3.0 (only german Version)

There is a small typpo in the in the OnLine-Help. Instead of 'CDWD'
(the correct Command), 'CDWRD' was written. The syntax is spelled
correctly in the german manuals.

i??? = 1
PRINT CDWRD(i???) : 'wrong Syntax
PRINT CDWD(i???) : 'correct Syntax

2.13. The Mistake CVDWRD in the german OnLine-Help
Versions: 3.0 (only german Version)

This time the typpo is 'CVDWRD'. Correct syntax is 'CVDWD'. The syntax
is correct in the german manuals.

2.14. Crash when pressing CTRL-C
Versions: 3.0
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.10

This Bug is widely known and only occurs when you set the
Compileroption $OPTION CNTLBREAK OFF while the BREAK-Flag in DOS is
set to ON. (Usually it is set to OFF by MS-DOS). When you press CTRL-C
under these circumstances your finished program will simply crash.
You can get past this by locking the BREAK-Flag using your own
PowerBASIC-FUNCTION. You can achieve this using the following

SHARED BreakFlag%
FUNCTION BreakAus public
'Save and deactivate CTRL-BREAK Interrupt
! mov ax, &h3300
! int &h21
! mov BreakFlag%, dx
! mov ax, &h3301
! mov dx, 0
! int &h21

FUNCTION BreakReset public
'Restore Control-Break-Interrupt
! mov ax, &h3301
! mov dx, BreakFlag%
! int &h21

You can find a file named CNTL.ZIP in some BBS's, it is the official

2.15. Error when producing Output with "CONS:" and CTRL-C
Versions: 3.0
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.10

This Error is also a cause of the CTRL-C Bug, some side effects can
occur when producing Output with "CONS:". More detailed Information is
not known to me personally.

2.16. The Problem with Error 244 in a Stand Alone EXE
Versions: 3.0
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.10

Should you use PowerBASIC 3.0 and work with the Inline-Assembler a
lot, in connection with the two internal PowerBASIC FUNCTIONS


the above named Error 244 (Library does not exist) can occur. This
Error only occurs in a Stand Alone EXE and not within the PowerBASIC-
IDE. The two internal PowerBASIC FUNCTIONS must be within a PowerBASIC
Unit. To get aorund this problem use STRSEG/STRPTR, temporary save
them and then MOV them into the correct Processorregisters.

2.17. Problems when linking multiple Lines of Source
Versions: 3.0/3.1
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.20

The PowerBASIC-IDE as well as the Commandlinecompiler have some casual
problems when you spread Sourcecode over more than one line, when it
actually has to be in one line.

C$ = CHR$( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)+_
CHR$( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Experience shows that in connection with bigger projects the Compiler
likes the wrong interpreting of the lines. Saying: The programmer will
get a strange Error somewhere in the Sourcecode. Luckily at the correct
position most of the time.

2.18. Problems with the WATCH-Window and multidimensional Arrays
Versions: 3.0/3.1
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.20

The WATCH-Window can not display multidimensional Arrays correctly.

2.19. Buggy internal Function/Variable: pbvScrnCols
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

This internal Variable should return the number of currently displayed
columns on the screen. In connection with all modes that do not use
the 40 or 80 column mode, an incorrect number will be returned. Such
modes can be set on every VGA-Card and quite a few Tools (i. e. Disk
Command Center) even support them!
This little FUNCTION can solve this problem:

DIM fixScrnCols AS BYTE
! mov ah, &h0f
! int &h10
! mov fixScrnCols, ah

2.20. Incorrect internal Function/Variable: pbvHost
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

Bit 8 is not set under Microsoft Windows(NT) 3.x

2.21. A little difference in the new Inline-ASM of V3.1/3.2
Versions: 3.1/3.2
Known : Correction demanded at PowerBASIC Inc.

This is explained quickly. While PowerBASIC 3.0 accepts the following
line of Inline-Assembler code:

! mov ax, &h0A000

PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2 will not work with it, even if this feature is new
in Version 3.1/3.2.

2.22. The dd-Problem in PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2
Versions: 3.1/3.2
Known : Feature removed in Version 3.5

This feature is explained fast, because the new 32Bit &h...., &o...., &b
Statements are taken as common knowledge. PowerBASIC Inc. simply forgot
their implementation into the Inline-Assembler!! You don't believe
me? Then just try the following:

! dd &h12345678

This little problem was explained by PowerBASIC Inc. using the 8Bit
Inline Assembler, but the Inline-Assembler of Version 3.5 was fixed
in these ways.

2.23. Undocumented internal Variables in PowerBASIC 3.0/3.1/3.2
The following internal Variables already exist in PowerBASIC 3.0, but
are not documented:


The following internal Variables are not documented from Version 3.1
on, but still exist:


The position of the Datasegments are identical in PowerBASIC 3.0 and
PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2.

2.24. The PRINT-Bug in PowerBASIC 3.2
Known : ????

In Version 3.2 of PowerBASIC Variables of type DWORD are not printed
correctly with PRINT:

Demo??? = 1234567890
PRINT Demo???

causes the following output:

PowerBASIC 3.0/3.1: 1234567890
PowerBASIC 3.2 : 1.234568+E

Using PRINT USING can help here...

2.25. The "File not found"-Error after using NAME
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

There is a very strange Error in the internal PowerBASIC filehandle
management after using the command "NAME".

OPEN "B",1,"DATEI1.TMP" ' Open first file
OPEN "B",2,"DATEI2.$$$" ' Open
CLOSE 2 ' ... and close immediately
OPEN "B",3,"DATEI3.TMP" ' Open
CLOSE 3 ' ... and close immediately
KILL "DATEI2.$$$" ' Delete second file
' Rename third file to second file
CLOSE 1 ' ... Close first file

2.26. Calculationerror when using Constants
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

Sometimes PowerBASIC does not calculate correctly when using
constants. Of course there is the question why you don't insert the
answer right away, because it is just a matter of form.

i% = -20-4 : %k= -20-4
PRINT i% , %k

2.27. Wrong "Bit movement" with ROTATE
Versions: 3.0/3.1
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.20

The ROTATE-Command in PowerBASIC 3.0/3.1 has a Bug when using QUAD-
Type Varibles.

i&& = 1

2.28. Overflow when using FOR/NEXT-Schleifen
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : Yes

PowerBASIC does not allow you to use the maximum value of a variable
in a FOR/NEXT-Loop. The maximum value is used internally by PowerBASIC,
because (AFAIK) first increases the variable and then checks it. As you
can see it then comes a an overflow, if the maximum value had already
been reached.

This bug occurs as far as I know on all variables.

FOR Demo? = 1 TO 255
NEXT Demo?

Should you NOT use "$ERROR NUMERIC", this Loop will turn into an
endless loop.

This effect is caused by downward compatability to other BASIC
Compilers and the internal works of the Intel CPU.

2.29. Overflow when using STEP -1 in FOR/NEXT-Loops
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : Yes

In PowerBASIC all variable must be of the same type (signed/unsigned),
if they are used in a FOR/NEXT- Loop. For example, the following is
not valid:

FOR Demo?? = 10 TO 2 STEP -1
NEXT Demo??

FOR Demo??? = 10 TO 2 STEP -1
PRINT Demo???
NEXT Demo???

Should you NOT use "$ERROR NUMERIC", this Loop will turn into an
endless loop.

2.30. The Bug in the VARPTR32-Command
Versions: from 3.2 on
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

Against the correct implementation of STRPTR32 and CODEPTR32 there is
a Bug in the VARPTR32-Command. It is not possible to do a mathematical
operation at the same time.

Wert1??? = VARPTR32(Demo) + 1
Wert2??? = VARPTR32(Demo)
Wert2??? = Wert2??? + 1
PRINT Wert1???, Wert2???

2.31. The 'KEY ON' Bug
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

Listening to the PowerBASIC manual and the BASIC specifications of the
KEY- Command the 'KEY ON'- Command is supposed to show the current KEY-
Setup in line 25 similar to 'Norton Commander'. If this is the case
PowerBASIC is supposed to put out an 'Error 5: Illegal Function' if
the programmer wants to access line 25 using LOCATE. Line 25 is also
supposed to be protected from scrolling.
This is not the case anymore since PowerBASIC V3.x (unlike PowerBASIC
V2.10) !

FOR i% = 1 TO 10
KEY i%, A$ + CHR$(13)
COLOR 3, 0
COLOR 7, 0
LOCATE 25, 1: PRINT " This text should be captured!! ";
DATA "Help", "Return"', "Edit", "Change", "Report"
DATA "PRINT", "Setup", "DOS", "Copy", "Quit"

The question here is wether this is a bug in the PowerBASIC manual or
in the Compiler. In any case you can fix this using:

VIEW TEXT (1,1)-(80,24)

2.32. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE in the Pick-Menu
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : No

The PowerBASIC IDE crashes when you press DEL instead of RETURN the
first time you chose the menu "File\Pick". If you have opened "Pick"
before with the RETURN- Key in the same session, this error will not
occur. Personally I think this is a very serious error, because both
keys are very close on the keyboard.

2.33. Crash of the PowerBASIC IDE with faulty Syntax
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

The PowerBASIC IDE crashes if you try to compile the following line:

PRINT Test1$ XOR Test2$ XOR Test3$

I'd rather not discuss the function of this line. <g>

2.34. Error when swapping variables using SWAP
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : No

When using the SWAP-Command in connection with TYPE-Structures and
indexing a fiels using a variable ("a(c%).x" for example) the fields
will not be swapped correctly. If the field is accessed with a
constant ("a(1).x" for example) this does not occur.

TYPE SwapTest ' Userdefined Datatype

DIM a(1 TO 2) AS SwapTest ' Create Array

c% = 1
d% = 2
a(1).x = 1 ' Init Fields
a(1).y = 2
a(2).x = 3
a(2).y = 4
PRINT "before SWAP: "; a(c%).y, a(d%).y
SWAP a(c%).y, a(d%).y
PRINT "after SWAP: " ; a(c%).y, a(d%).y

2.35. The Multiplexer Interrupt Error in the REG-Command
Versions: 2.x/3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

Astonishingly there are even problems when you call the Multiplexer-
Interrupt &h2F using the REG-Command. Normally it seems that the call
was refused by the system. A test using the Inline-Assembler on the
other hand works fine. This was seen when programming MSCDEX, checking
for the Windows-Version and using Timeslice-Functions of the Multiplexer-

The only way around this is to use the Inline-Assembler.

! mov ax, &h1680
! int &h2F
! mov Taskfreeing%, ax
Taskfreeing% = Taskfreeing% AND 255
SELECT CASE Taskfreeing%
CASE &h80 : PRINT "Taskfreeing not supported"
CASE &h0 : PRINT "Taskfreeing supported"
CASE ELSE : PRINT "Unknown value"

REG 1, &h1680
Taskfreeing% = REG(1)
Taskfreeing% = Taskfreeing% AND 255
SELECT CASE Taskfreeing%
CASE &h80 : PRINT "Taskfreeing not supported"
CASE &h0 : PRINT "Taskfreeing supported"
CASE ELSE : PRINT "Unknown value"

The explanation of this lies within the working routines of the REG-
Command, although QuiBASIC does not have these problems. <g>

2.36. Contents of a Directory will be deleted with KILL
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : No

One can find a nice feature behind the KILL-Command of PowerBASIC.
Should the path end with a Backslash (without other Wildcards or file
names), the entire directory will be deleted.

KILL "C:\TEMP\" ' Deletes all files in the TEMP
' Directory

2.37. The thing with the "USR" string
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

A completely strange behaviour can be noticed in the IDE or the
Command Line Interpreter if the string "USR" can be found in the
source code. Because the compiler crashes in the first example, this
can definetly be considered a Bug.

PRINT USR ' PB/PBC crashes
Test% = USR ' Error 477

2.38. The GOTO DWORD Bug
Versions: 3.2
Known : Removed in Version 3.50

PowerBASIC simply forgets the Segment part of the address, that's all.

Demo??? = CODEPTR32(TestLabel)
PRINT "Test"

2.39. The 'ON LOCAL ERROR' Bug
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2
Known : Error corrected in Version 3.50

Using 'ON LOCAL ERROR' in a PBU can cause a crash of the program.

'Main file
FileName$ = "TEST.DOC"
CALL ResumeDemo(Demo%)
PRINT "Error", Demo%

'Unit file
SUB ResumeDemo (Demo%) PUBLIC
' To test create this File with WinWord and save once.

2.40. ... and again 'ON LOCAL ERROR'
Versions: 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.5
Known : No

PowerBASIC crashes when someone uses "ON ERROR" instead of "ON LOCAL
ERROR" in a SUB/FUNCTION. It can come to STACK or STRING memory
problems in this case, if the error occurs.
Of course this is definetly the error of the programmer, but the
Compiler should recognize this when compiling.

2.41. Runtimeerror in the PowerBASIC Helpcompiler
Versions: 3.0 (Helpcompiler)
Known : No

The Helpcompiler (Encoder) seems to have quitr a few Bugs. Mostly
beginners will have some problems with Runtimeerror 9 at address
10095. This is an internal Bug of the Helpcompile, which is caused by
the missing of the Command '/LOOKUP'.

2.42. The Error "Truncating" in the PowerBASIC Helpcompiler
Versions: 3.0 (Helpcompiler)

The Error 'Truncating ... to 76 characters' will be shown sometimes,
because the commandcharacters will not be taken into concern.

2.43. Crash of the PowerBASIC-IDE after calling its own Help
Versions: 3.0 (Helpcompiler)

When programming or actually the writting of the Help you will have to
watch out that the effective length of the shown textline are not
bigger than the actually existing number of characters available in
the PowerBASIC-Helpwindow, because the PowerBASIC-IDE will in that
case crash with a graphical error.
This Bug will only occur in the developmentphase of a self-written
Helpfile (*.PBH)!

3. PowerBASIC and the CoProcessor

3.1. Does PowerBASIC support a CoProcessor?
3.2. Which Floatingpointlibrary is the right one?
3.3. Does the CoProcessor work with $FLOAT PROCEDURE, too?
3.4. Which PowerBASIC-Functions are affected?
3.5. Possible reasons for the CoProcessor-Effect
3.6. PowerBASIC-Benchmark Source

3.1. Does PowerBASIC support a CoProcessor?
The answer is simply YES. The Compileroptions already have the
possibility to choose three different Floatingpointlibraries. There
are some Hooks when working with the CoPorcessor under PowerBASIC,
which will be shown here so that you can develop faster hopefully only
cleanly running programs.

3.2. Which Floatingpointlibrary is the right one?
PowerBASIC has a total of three Floatingpointlibraries:

This is the DEFAULT-Library an usually uin use 95 % of the time.
She has the power to automatically support the i87, if such a
CoProcessor has been found. The huge problem is on the upper hand:
PowerBASIC has to test for the CoProcessor all of the time and is
slowed down a lot if NO i87 is installed.

This Library is fastest when no CoProcessor is available.

This Library is top when a i87 is available.

3.3. Does the CoProcessor work with $FLOAT PROCEDURE, too?
The answer here is YES, too. Even if PowerBASIC did not implement the
CoProcessorsupportroutines, the Source below proves that it does. The
riddles answer lies in the PowerBASIC-Runtime-Library, which supports
the i87 from beginning on. That is why the speed advantages can't be

3.4. Which PowerBASIC-Routines are affected?
The following internal PowerBASIC-Functions are affected. Measures
have shown that SELECT CASE needs 5 seconds with the i87. Under the
same cirumstances (but without i87) SELECT CASE can need 200 seconds
($FLOAT EMULATE). The can be an extreme speedup with $FLOAT PROCEDURE
(only 35 seconds).
All in one you can say: SELECT CASE should not be used in time
critical routines!
Same, even if not as bad, is the PRINT-Output of numerical Values.

3.5. Possible reasons for the CoProcessor-Effect
As I see it this effect has natural causes, because all effected
commands have to work with the new 80-Number-System. It seems that the
programmers of PowerBASIC tried to compensate the additionally needed
time by using the CoProcessor. And it seems that it worked quite good
for them when a CoProcessor is available. On the other side there is
the question why the Compiler doesn't optimize it further when only
the normal 16/32-Bit numbers are used.

3.6. PowerBASIC-Benchmark Source
This source shall show you the connection between the previous
paragraphs. It is best if you just compile it and then try around a

REM *****************************************************************
REM PBBENCH.EXE - Performance-Measuringprogram for PowerBASIC
REM To test the differences in speed of different
REM PowerBASIC-Commands in connection with used Floatingpoint-
REM libraries when using or not using a CoProcessor
REM Copyright: Thomas Gohel & Andras Hoeffken Version 2.10
REM All rights reserved
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
REM Important Notice:
REM For reliable Maesures the Porcessor must be in REAL-Mode.
REM There may not be any TSRs, no KEYB.COM, SMARTDRV.EXE or
REM other.
REM Important:
REM For reliable Measures the program will have to be started
REM more than once and an avergae must be built.
REM Users of 486/586 or 286/386 Processors with CoProcessor can
REM turn the x87 CoPro off in PowerBASIC with the in this Source
REM implemented listing.
REM ***************************************************************
$CPU 80386
REM $FLOAT NPX ' for Computers with CoProzessor
' (fastest)
REM $FLOAT PROCEDURE ' for Computers without CoProzessor
' (not recommended)
REM $FLOAT EMULATE ' Automatic aupport (Extremly slow
' without CoProcessor)

PRINT "Performance-Testprogram for PowerBASIC";:
PRINT TAB(58); "(c) A.Hoeffken/Th.Gohel";:
PRINT TAB(68); "Version 2.10";:
PRINT STRING$(80,"-");
a% = 1 ' some Variables
i% = 1234 ' -"-
e& = 12345678 ' -"-

REM Zc1! fuer 5000000-Schleifen ; To take out the time for the
REM Zc2! fuer 2000000-Schleifen ; FOR/NEXT-Loops
REM Zc3! fuer 100000-Schleifen
REM Zc4! fuer 2000-Schleifen

IF pbvnpx > 0 THEN
PRINT "CoProcessor " + CHR$(pbvnpx+48) + "87 found!"
PRINT "Shoulod the CoProcessor be turned of for next";
PRINT "measure (Y/N)?"
A$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1))
IF A$ = "Y" THEN CoPro "AUS"
PRINT "no CoProcessor found!"
PRINT "Should the CoProcessor be turned on for the next";
PRINT "measure (Y/N)?"
PRINT "Note: Turning on a not existing CoProcessor";
PRINT "will cause a crash!"
A$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1))
IF A$ = "Y" THEN CoPro "EIN"

GOSUB HoleZeitKonstanten

' Get the Timeconstants for the different tests

PRINT "Messung der Zeitkonstanten ";

t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 2000 ' Time for 2000-Loops
t2! = TIMER
Zc4! = t2! - t1!

PRINT ".";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 5000000 ' Time for 5-Mio-Loops
t2! = TIMER
Zc1! = t2! - t1!

PRINT ".";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 100000 ' Time for 100000-Loops
t2! = TIMER
Zc3! = t2! - t1!

t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 2000000 ' Time for 2-Mio-Loops
t2! = TIMER
Zc2! = t2! - t1!

PRINT "Testing FOR/NEXT : ";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 5000000 'Get 5-Millions-Loop
NEXT i& 'i = long integer
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1!; "sec "

PRINT "Testing IF/THEN : ";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 5000000
IF a% = 0 THEN 'IF THEN Method
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1! - Zc1!; "sec "

t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 2000000
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1! - Zc2!; "sec "

t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 2000000
i% = i% + 100 'extremly simple Calculations
e& = e& * 2
e& = e& \ 2
i% = i% - 100
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1! - Zc2!; "sec "

PRINT "Testing STRING's : ";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 2000
A$ = STRING$(20000, 32)
A$ = RIGHT$(A$, 10000) + "Test"
e% = INSTR(A$, "Test")
A$ = ""
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1! - Zc4!; "sec "

PRINT "Testing NUM-PRINT's ";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 100000
PRINT "Testing NUM-PRINT's: "; i&;
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1! - Zc3!; "sec "

PRINT "Testing $$$-PRINT's ";
t1! = TIMER
FOR i& = 1 TO 100000
PRINT "Testing $$$-PRINT's: ";
t2! = TIMER
PRINT t2! - t1! - Zc3!; "sec "

' Here is a routine to turn off the CoProcessor

SUB Copro(Switch$)
CASE "AUS", "OFF", "-"
! mov ax, &h0040
! mov es, ax
! mov ax, word ptr es:[&h10]
! and ax, &b1111111111111101
! mov word ptr es:[&h10], ax
CASE "EIN", "ON", "+"
! mov ax, &h0040
! mov es, ax
! mov ax, word ptr es:[&h10]
! or ax, &b0000000000000010
! mov word ptr es:[&h10], ax

4. Standardproblems

4.1. Compatability between the PBUs and LIBs of the 3.x Versions
4.2. Not enough memory in the PowerBASIC-IDE
4.3. Finding out the filename and path to the filename
4.4. No free memory with ENVIRON$
4.5. No Returnerrorlevel with SHELL
4.6. Cutting files
4.7. Error 502/514 when using C-OBJ-Files
4.8. Preventing a Warmboot with CTRL-ALT-DEL
4.9. Opening more than 15 Files with PowerBASIC and/or DOS
4.10. HEX$-DWORD Routine for PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2

<I can't think of any more right now>

4.1. Compatability between the PBUs and LIBs of the 3.x Versions
Other than the PowerBASIC-Update from V2.10 to 3.00, the PBU/LIBs of
the 3.x Versions are downwards compatible. That means that you can
continue to use an under PowerBASIC 3.0 developed PBU/LIB under the
two higher PowerBASIC Versions. But you can't use a PowerBASIC 3.1 PBU/
LIB with any of the older Versions. There are probably some
differences between the Versions 3.0-3,1 because of the new Number-
System when exchanging sourcecode. In that case please read the
Chapter 'Errors ...'.

4.2. Not enough memory in the PowerBASIC-IDE
There is a Tool by Bob Zale himself which activates parts of the VGA-
Graphic-RAM and the parts of the monochrome Herculescard for
PowerBASIC. The Tool 'PBPLUS96' (96kByte more RAM) was written for
PowerBASIC Version 2.00, but still works with Version 3.10.

4.3. Finding out the filename and the path to the filename
We often stand in front of the problem that we can start our program
over a path command, but that it can't find its own data and INI-Files
anymore after that. The solution is quite simple: DOS saves this
information in the PSP or in its Environmentblock.

--- Cut --------------------------------------------------------------
' Finding the path and filename of the current program in
' PowerBASIC 3.0/3.2
' von Thomas Gohel


! mov ax, &h6200
! int &h21
! mov es, bx
! mov ax, word ptr es:[&h2C]
! mov pbvDefSeg, ax ; undocumented in PowerBASIC 3.0
FOR i% = 0 TO 1024
IF PEEK$(i%, 4) = CHR$(0,0,1,0) THEN EXIT FOR
WHILE PEEK(i% + 4) <> 0
Temp$ = Temp$ + CHR$(PEEK(i% + 4))
i% = i% + 1
FOR i%=LEN(Temp$) TO 1 STEP -1
IF RIGHT$(MID$(Temp$,1,i%),1) = "\" THEN EXIT FOR
ExeDir$ = MID$(Temp$,1,i%)
ExeName$ = MID$(Temp$,i%+1)
PRINT ExeDir$; " "; ExeName$
--- Cut End ----------------------------------------------------------

4.4. No free memory with ENVIRON$
This chapter is partly documented in the manuals, but I want to give
some advanced tips, because this subject often causes misunderstandig.
The structure of the environmentblock in connection with the Program
Segment Prefix (PSP) is not documented further, but it is of enourmous
meaning gor the better understanding of this error.

Shortly said, you can only modify the existing environent, and not add
any new entries!! You can use three ways if you want to add entries

a) Delete part of the environment and then add the new entry or first
create a Dummy-Environmententry and the delete or modify it using the

b) When you want to start a DOS-SHELL with an information:


The trick with this is that when you call a SHELL a new PSP will be
created and the memory will be allocated correctly.

c) Get the address of the PSP, get the pointer to the current
Environmentblock and then read the environment into a string, where it
can be modified. The allocate a DOS-Memoryblock using INT21, save the
modified environment therem abd the set the pointer to the
Environmentblock within the PSP to the new one.
(Also see: Already available PD-Solutions)

4.5. No Returnerrorlevel with SHELL
You often need to check the Errorcode of an ended program in a SHELL-
Command. This is not possible directly under PowerBASIC, because
PowerBASIC runs a program using COMMAND.COM and because of that the
Errorcode can't be returned (This is a problem of MS-DOS!!).


To solve this problem there is for instance an alternative SHELL-
Command in form of a FUNCTION (as Sourcecode):

--- Cut ---------------------------------------------------------------
' Errorlevel in PowerBASIC 3.0/3.2
' by Thomas Gohel (after a pattern from PDS, by Bernd Hohmann)


PRINT "Fehlercode ist: "; PBShell%("c:\dos\command.com")

FUNCTION PBShell% (FileName$)
LOCAL Dummy%

Datei$ = FileName$ ' Copy filename.
Datei$ = LTRIM$(Datei$) ' Trim filename.
i% = INSTR(Datei$, " ") ' Pass Command ?
IF i% > 0 THEN '
Cmd$ = MID$(Datei$, i%) ' Cut Command
Datei$ = LEFT$(Datei$, i% - 1) ' Cut filename
Datei$ = UCASE$(Datei$)
i% = INSTR(Datei$, ".") ' Is a dot in it ?
IF i% > 0 THEN '
Ext$ = MID$(Datei$, i%) ' Get extension
Ext$ = "" ' Extension is empty
SELECT CASE Ext$ ' Test extension.
CASE ".BAT" ' Batch over COMMAND.COM
Cmd$ = "/C " + Datei$ + " " + Cmd$
CASE ".COM" ' Free
CASE ".EXE" ' Free
CASE ELSE ' No Extension,
Datei$ = Datei$ + ".EXE" ' Add .EXE.

Datei$ = Datei$ + CHR$(0) ' Create ASCII-String.
dNul$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(0) ' Doublezero for Parameterblock

nul$ = SPACE$(127) ' Save 127 bytes for Strings
MemFree& = SETMEM(0) ' Get free space
x& = SETMEM(-MemFree&) ' Free all memory
nul$ = "" ' restore 127 Bytes.
IF Cmd$ > "" THEN ' Commandline ?
CmdLen$ = CHR$(LEN(Cmd$)) ' Length of Cmd$ as String
Cmd$ = CmdLen$ + Cmd$ + CHR$(13) ' Length + Cmd$ + '13'
segm$ = MKI$(STRSEG(Cmd$)) ' Single parts of the
' Parameter-Block
Offs$ = MKI$(STRPTR(Cmd$)) ' Add ( MID$(....)
' = segm$ doesn't work)
Param$ = dNul$ + Offs$ + segm$ ' Create Parameterblock.
Cmd$ = CHR$(13) ' Start of Bug-Fixed
segm$ = MKI$(STRSEG(Cmd$)) ' Segment of Terminator
Offs$ = MKI$(STRPTR(Cmd$)) ' Offset -"-
Param$ = dNul$ + Offs$ + segm$ ' Create Parameterblock.
END IF ' End of Bugfixed
DateiSeg% = STRSEG(Datei$) ' Get addresses
DateiOff% = STRPTR(Datei$)
ParamSeg% = STRSEG(Param$)
ParamOff% = STRPTR(Param$)
! push ds ; Save DS
! mov ax, &h4B00 ; EXEC-Funktion 4Bh / INT 21h
! mov es, ParamSeg% ; Segment of Parameterblock
! mov bx, ParamOff% ; Offset of Parameterblock
! mov dx, DateiOff% ; Offset of Filename
! mov ds, DateiSeg% ; Segment of Filename
! int &h21 ; Interrupt &h21
! pop ds
! jc ExecError
! jmp ExecOk
! mov Dummy%, ax
SELECT CASE Dummy% ' Evaluate Error.
CASE 1 : PRINT "illegal Function call!"
CASE 2,3 : PRINT "File not found: " + FileName$
CASE 4 : PRINT "to many files opened"
CASE 5 : PRINT "Access denied " + Filename$
CASE 8 : PRINT "Not enough free memory for " + FileName$
CASE 10 : PRINT "wrong Environmentblock"
CASE 11 : PRINT "wrong Format"
CASE ELSE: PRINT "Problem while executing " + FileName$

Mem2& = SETMEM(MemFree&) ' Completely free memory.
IF MemFree& <> Mem2& THEN ' Free memory changed
PRINT "Warning: possibly a TSR was installed!!"

! mov ah, &h4d ; Get Exit-Code
! int &h21 ; Interrupt &h21
! mov Dummy%, al
PBShell% = Dummy%

! mov ah, &h03 ; Pass current cursor
! mov bh, &h00 ; position
! int &h10 ; Interrupt &h10
! inc dh ; Recalc to basis of 1
! inc dl
! mov NewZeile?, dh
! mov NewSpalte?, dl
LOCATE NewZeile?, NewSpalte? ' Set cursor
- Cut End -------------------------------------------------------------

Further on your can modify the COMSPEC-Variable in your environment
and directly run your program with COMMAND.COM.

Always remember, that the SHELL-Function always transfers the
Parameter '/C' to the executing program, if you want to transfer
Commandlineparamters yourself.

4.6. Cutting files
You often stand in front of the problem that you have cleaned your
datafile, but it is still too big. In this case this small but
effective trick helps:

SEEK #1, 20
PUT$ #1, ""

Shortens the file 'DEMO.DAT' to a length of 20 Bytes.

4.7. Error 502/514 when using C-OBJ-Files
When using C-OBJ-Files you should take care that there not multiple
Statements for the Datasegment in it, because PowerBASIC only supports
one Datasegment per OBJ-File.
Since there is no solution known to me and there seems to be none from
PowerBASIC, it seems that it is your only choice to adapt your C-

4.8. Preventing a Warmboot with CTRL-ALT-DEL
The following Source prevents a possible Warmboot:

KEY 15, CHR$(&h0C, &h53, &h73)
KEY(15) ON

PRINT "Done!"

PRINT "Warmboot not wanted!!"

4.9. Opening more than 15 Files with PowerBASIC and/or DOS
You often seem to come to the limits of PowerBASIC when you want to
open more than 15 Files. But this is not a problem of the Compiler,
but a genetic birth error of MS-DOS.
I'll have to bring up some of the dark sides of DOS in order to
describe this effect, baecause this is where we find the answer. Many
of you know that when a file is opened, a handle is returned from DOS.
Now where does DOS save this handle an the information belonging to
that handle?

To many of you PSP (Program Segment Prefix) is a well known statement
(already described shortly in the finding of the filename). If not,
you shoud better not read the following explanations and just test the
This PSP also contains a table, which was declared reserved by
Microsoft, but its use is widely known. This table is called 'Job File
Table' (short JFT) and is located at Offset 18Hex from DOS 2.0 on and
is a 20 fields long BYTE-Array. When you now subtract the used handles
for: NUL, $CLOCK, CON, AUX and PRN, what is left over are the magic 15
usable handles.
But it is only job of the JFT to manage a pointer to the 'System File
Table', short SFT.
The SFT on the other hand is a structure similar to a MCB (Memory
Control Block), which manages important data like Startclusters and
Sharingattributes. A SFT of this kind can only hold a limited amount
of handles, to raise this you have to include a higher amount with
FILES in your CONFIG.SYS. After a restart of the system MS-DOS
reserves more MCBs marked as SFT. Now you can theoretically open more
than 20 Files, because the default numbe of FILES is '8'. Unluckily we
come to another limited number of entries in the JFT within the PSP.
There is a solution from MS-DOS 3.3 on, because the Interrupt &h21,
function &h67 enables you to raise the amount of usable handles. But
how is this done when the space in the PSP is limited??
Therefore we remember some of the undocumented fields within the PSP.
Offset &h32 has become interresting, because this holds the new size
of the JFT in WORD. After that there is the new pointer to the
Extended JFT. Interrestinf is, that the new array is an array of WORD.
Theoretically 65535 handles can be managed like that, but that is
hypothetically, because the SFT can only handle 255 entries.
Actually there are two important things when creating a new JFT:
- The new JFT needs memory, that means that you have to decrease
the size if the current programs Heap!
- Ab extended JFT will not be passed to a Childprogram with SHELL/
EXECUTE! The 15 Files Border still exists for the Childprogram.

Ok, but now here is the Source:

'*********************************************************************** '
' Set the Amount of uasable Handles in PowerBASIC 3.2
' developed by Th.Gohel Fido: 2:2410/301.12
' InterNet: ***@pbsound.snafu.de
' Homepage: http://www.snafu.de/~pbsound/

MaxFiles% = 30 ' Same as FILES = 30
PBFiles MaxFiles% ' Set the amount of usable Files

FOR i% = 1 TO MaxFiles% ' Test all usable Files
PRINT "Opening File: PBFILES." + STR$(i%)
PUT$ i%, "Testfile" + STR$(i%) + " for PBFILES, please delete!"
FOR i% = 1 TO MaxFiles% ' and close again

SUB PBFiles(BYVAL MoreFiles%)
x& = SETMEM(-255) ' Should be enough for all cases
! mov ah, &h67 ; Set amount of usable Handles
! mov bx, MoreFiles% ;
! add bx, 6 ; The Standard-Handles for PB
! int &h21
! jnc PBFiles_Ok
PRINT "Error while creating the usable Handles!!"

4.10. HEX$-DWORD Routine for PowerBASIC 3.1/3.2
The following routine should make HEX$-Support possible for variables
of type DWORD, which is missing for some reason.

d??? = &h1234ABCD

PRINT DHex$(d???)

! les bx, [bp+6]
! mov ax, es:[bx+0]
! mov Lo??, ax
! mov ax, es:[bx+2]
! mov Hi??, ax
DHex = RIGHT$("000" + HEX$(Hi??), 4) + RIGHT$("000" + _
HEX$(Lo??), 4)

5. Hints in connection with the Inline-Assembler

5.1. Principles of the function of the Inline-Assembler
5.2. Assembler Syntax Error
5.3. Faulty passing of Variables in the Inline-Assembler
5.4. Problems with LDS/LES
5.5. Crash after calling own INT-Functions
5.6. Fixup Overflow
5.7. Dividing Variables from WORD to BYTE
5.8. Dividing Variables from DWORD to WORD
5.9. Access to Arrays / Structures with the Inline-Assembler
5.10. Parameter return with the Inline-Assembler
5.11. Parameter return in Interrupt-Procedures
5.12. Creating 32bit-Pointers
5.13. Converting from REG to Inline-ASM
5.14. Converting from A86 to Inline-ASM

The tips shown here are not a tutorial in Inline-Assembler, but may
help solve many beginner mistakes. A more detailes description of the
interactions will not be written here, if it does not belong to the
problem itself.

5.1. Principles of the function of the Inline-Assembler
The PowerBASIC Inline-Assembler contains the functions of the Intel
8086 CPU. This means that you may have to adapt the Inline-Assembler-
Code of other High-Language-Compilers or true Assembler-Code to the
PowerBASIC Inline-Assembler, because they quite often contain 80286
commands. Usually the following commands have to be converted:
Source - > PowerBASIC
shr ax, 2 ! shr ax, 1
! shr ax, 1
or like this:
shl ax, 3 ! push cx
! mov cl, 3
! shl ax, cl
! pop cx
pusha ! push ax
! push bx
and so on until all registers are
popa analog, only restore registers

5.2. Assembler Syntax Error
When we forget the 'true' Syntax Errors, which usually occurs when you
are not quite used to Assemblercommands, there still is an 'obvious'
Syntax Error which can be marked by the Inline-Assembler of
PowerBASIC. This is the case when the Compiler can't use a Variable in
the Inline-Assembler because it isn't defined in any way.
PowerBASIC usually creates used Variables within true BASIC-Source by
itself and allocates memory for it. You have to do that yourself
within the Inline-Assembler.
! mov ax, Demo%
This causes a Syntax Error because the Compiler can't do anything with
the Variable 'Demo%'. You should first set the Variable to a value:
Demo% = 1
! mov ax, Demo%
Now the Compiler accepts the Assemblerline. You don't have to assign a
value to a Variable every time, a simple DIM or SHARED, PUBLIC, LOCAL
etc. is enough and initialises 'Demo%'.

5.3. Faulty passing of Variables in the Inline-Assembler
You probably often swore around because a working routine with REG(x)
didn't work crrectly after conversion to the Inline-Assembler or when
your Testroutine wouldn't do its job in a SUB/FUNCTION.
The solution is relatively simple: You have to pass the variables to
the Inline-Assembler BYVAL.
Demo 1
FUNCTION Demo(BYVAL i%) public
! mov ax, i%
! inc ax
! mov i%, ax
This little Demo simply adds the value '1' using the Inline-Assembler
and then prints it on the screen. Simply leave out the BYVAL and then
test the Demo again!

5.4. Problems with LDS/LES
Compareable to the passing of the parameters is the function of the
commands LDS/LES. It is also essential whether a variable is passed
'BY COPY', 'BY REFERENCE' or 'BY VALUE'. The followingcan be taken as
rule of thumb:

BY REFERENCE: - default in the main program
- or when a variable is declared SHARED/PUBILC etc.
BY COPY: - default in a SUB/FUNCTION, if the variables aren't
passed BY VALUE.
BY VALUE: - always interpreted by the Inline-Assembler as BY VALUE

You should only pass variables of type BY COPY to LDS/LES, because
only then the DS/ES Segmentaddresses will be loaded and the
Offsetaddresses into the other Registers.
When passing BY REFERENCE DS/ES will be loaded with the high value
contents of the variable, if of type Long/DWord, else the DS/ES
Register will contain an irrelevant value. The other Registers will
contain the low value of the variable.

SHARED DemoSeg%, DemoOff%

i& = &h12345678
Demo1 i&
Demo2 i&
Demo3 i&

FUNCTION Demo1(i&) public
PRINT "PB-Adresse : ";:

FUNCTION Demo2(i&) public
! les bx, i&
! mov DemoSeg%, es
! mov DemoOff%, bx
PRINT HEX$(DemoSeg%);":"; HEX$(DemoOff%)

FUNCTION Demo3(BYVAL i&) public
! les bx, i&
! mov DemoSeg%, es
! mov DemoOff%, bx
PRINT HEX$(DemoSeg%);":"; HEX$(DemoOff%)

5.5. Crash after calling own INT-Functions
You will ask yourself: Why this section in the FAQ? Does the
PowerBASIC Inline-Assembler have any Bugs? The answer is definetly:


But many calls using INT-Functions of the BIOS/DOS are connected to
some trouble, because they change important Segments or specially
address them. Many buffers that have to be passed to a function look
for their pointer in the Datasegment-Register (DS). PowerBASIC also
addresses its variables using DS, so that conflicts are 'programmed'
here. It should not be like this, for example:

! mov ax, &h3D90 ; Function File open
! mov ds, FileSeg?? ; Load segment of Filename,
! mov dx, FileOff?? ; First error, because FileOff??
; can't be addressed using DS. DS
; is already pointing somewhere else.
! int &h21 ; INT-Call
! mov Handle%, ax ; Because DS still points to nowhere
; for PowerBASIC, this is wrong, too,
; and PowerBASIC will crash sooner or
; later.

A clean listing should look like this:

! push ds ; Save DS
! mov ax, &h3D90
! mov dx, FileOff?? ; Load Offset of Filename
! mov ds, fileSeg?? ; Load Segment of Filename, not needed
; by PowerBASIC anymore
! int &h21 ; INT-Call
! pop ds ; Restore PowerBASIC Segment
! mov Handle%, ax ; Save Handle% (Or Errorcode)
! jnc ... ; Check Carry-Flag

5.6. Fixup Overflow
The problem is relatively easy and simple: The 8086 CPU only allows
jumps of type SHORT, meaning that you can only jump to labels within
-127/+128 OpCodes directly.
The following example also creates such an error:

<more than 128 Bytes Opcode>
! jc DemoLabel

To get around this, you'll just have to address the whole thing a
little different. This is principally no problem once you know it:

<more than 128 Bytes Opcode>
! jnc DemoWeiter
! jmp near DemoLabel

But this can be found in any good Assembler book...

5.7. Dividing variables from WORD to BYTE
Should you still turn your 16bit variables into its 8bit parts with
mathematical work, it is time to finally stop it! The CPU can do it by


Demo?? = &H1234

! mov ax, Demo??
! mov DemoLow? , al
! mov DemoHigh?, ah

5.8. Dividing variables frob DWORD to WORD
More often you have the problem that you have pointers of type DWORD
in PowerBASIC, but you don't know how to pass them to the Inline-
Assembler or turn them into WORD. Principally this is quite simple
(When you know how):


Demo??? = &H12345678

! mov ax, Demo???[00]
! mov bx, Demo???[02]
! mov DemoLow??, ax
! mov DemoHigh??, bx

5.9. Access to Arrays / Structures with the Inline-Assembler
Access to static Datastructures is relatively easy with the Inline-
Assembler if you already know the correct Offsetaddresses.
PowerBASIC allows the following Syntax:

! mov ah, byte ptr es:[di][22]

This copies the value to Offset 22 of the address ES:DI into the AH-

5.10. Parameter return with the Inline-Assembler
In opposite to true Assembler the return of a variable works slightly
different in the PowerBASIC Inline-Assemble. PowerBASIC 3.0 for
example does not allow the direct return from the Inline-Assembler to
the FUNCTION, this is only possible with a little trick.

High% = &h1234
Low% = &h4578
PRINT HEX$(Demo1&(High%, Low%))

LOCAL Dummy&
! mov dx, High%
! mov ax, Low%
! mov Dummy&[02], dx
! mov Dummy&[00], ax
Demo1& = Dummy&

From PowerBASIC 3.1 on you can directly pass the return value to the
FUNCTION, only with 32bit (and bigger) values have to be passed using
a little trick:

High% = &h1234
Low% = &h4578
PRINT HEX$(Demo2&(High%, Low%))

! mov dx, High%
! mov ax, Low%
! mov FUNCTION[02], dx
! mov FUNCTION[00], ax

5.11. Parameter return in Interrupt-Procedures
Very hard is the passing of variables from within an own
Interruptroutine, because you can guess that the Datasegment isn't the
same as the one used by PowerBASIC. But the developers of PowerBASIC
have left us a big back door here. The addressing using the
Codesegment, which is usually the same! Yet this trick only works with
the Inline-Assembler, to pass from/ to true PowerBASIC-Routines you
will have to recopy this variable.

! mov ax, &h1234
! mov Demo, ax
! mov bx, Demo
! retn

! dw 0

Should you look at this thing with a Debugger, you will notice that
PowerBASIC will add the Prefix &h2E (addressing using the Codesegment)
in front of the access to the variable and the '!dw 0' field will hold
the value &H1234.

5.12. Creating 32Bit-Pointers
Often 32Bit Pointers are needed for some Interrupt-Procedures to call
old Interrupt-Handlers or Devicedrivers like CTVDSK/CT-VOICE and HIMEM/
MSCDEX. Because the creation of a 32Bit Pointer was described in a
previous Chapter, here is the actual Syntax:

! jmp dword Demo&
! jmp dword ptr Demo&
! call dword Demo&
! call dword ptr Demo&

The pointers can also be taken from the Codesegment!

5.13. Converting from REG to Inline-Assembler
The conversion from REG- to Inline-Assemblersources is also relatively
simple. Instrad of the REG-Command, which buffers the Contents of the
Processorregisters in an internal REG-Array, an access over the Inline-
Assembler causes a direct manipulation of the Processorregister. The
REG-Command passes the REG-Values when CALL INTERRUPT is executed.
Please not this difference and you will have not as many problems.
You can translate all other commands 1:1:

REG 1, &h12345 -> ! mov ax, &h1234
REG 2, &hFF -> ! mov bl, &hFF
REG 3, &h22 * 256 -> ! mov ch, &h22
REG 4, &hAABB -> ! mov dh, &hAA
! mov dl, &hBB
REG 9, Demo% -> ! mov es, Demo%
CALL INTERRUPT &h21 -> ! int &h21
Low?? = REG(1) AND 255 -> ! mov low??, al
High?? = REG(1) \ 256 -> ! mov High??, ah

5.14. Converting from A86 to Inline-Assembler
Usually a translation of A86-Sources can be done without problems.
Remove the Stackborder and include the Assemblerlines into the Inline-
Assembler. It will be best ig you create a FUNCTION call that passes
the variables BYVAL, the rest is done by PowerBASIC.

6. Hints for Pointers in PowerBASIC 3.2

6.1. Pointers in general
6.2. What are pointers, and what are they for?
6.3. PowerBASIC-Pointers and dynamic strings
6.4. PowerBASIC-Pointers and fixed length strings
6.5. PowerBASIC-Pointer and FLEX-Strings
6.6. PowerBASIC-Pointer and TYPE structures
6.7. A little Demonstration (source)

6.1. Pointers in general
Pointers in BASIC have been the cause for many discussions so far.
PowerBASICS's Dynamic Memory-Managment has been an argument why
Pointers in BASIC (if not impossible) don't make any sense. The
following paragraphs will show that this is wrong. Dynamic Memory-
Managment (which by the way is a real advantage of this language)
and pointers are a possible combination.
For the understanding of the follwing, knowledge of the interna of
BASIC and DOS helps a lot

6.2. What are pointers, and what are they for ?
Pointers do what their name says: they point. They allow interpreting every
single byte of your computers memory up to 1 Megabyte. All you have to do
is to assign any memory adress to the pointer. Pointers are useful to get
to areas of the memory that are outside of PowerBASIC's Dynamic-Memory-
Managment and they let you directly get hold of the Pointers that are
given back by some DOS-Functions like:
- Directory Table Area
- Drive Parameter Block
- DOS Info Block
- Environment Block
- and and and ...
With pointers you can forget all those tiresome "old friends" like

6.3. PowerBASIC-Pointers and dynamic strings
String-Pointers to dynamic strings are defined in PowerBASIC with:


The Pointer is assigned as follows

Pointer = VARPTR32(Demo1$)

' Demosource showing how to handle pointers and dynamic strings

DIM Pointer1 AS STRING PTR ' defining string pointer for
' dynamic strings
Pointer1 = VARPTR32(Demo1$) ' assign the pointer

PRINT "Adress: Demo1$: Pointer1:"

Demo1$ = "123456"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo1$)), Demo1$, @Pointer1

Demo1$ = "654321"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo1$)), Demo1$, @Pointer1

Demo1$ = "!Test!"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo1$)), Demo1$, @Pointer1

6.4. PowerBASIC-Pointers and fixed length strings
String-Pointers to fixed strings are defined in PowerBASIC with:


The Pointer is assigned as follows

Pointer = VARPTR32(Demo$)

' Demo showing how to handle pointers and fixed length strings

DIM Demo2 AS STRING * 6 ' define string with fixed length

DIM Pointer2 AS STRING PTR * 6 ' define Pointer with fixed length
Pointer2 = VARPTR32(Demo2$) ' assign the pointer

PRINT "Adress: Demo2$: Pointer2:"

Demo2$ = "123456"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo2$)), Demo2$, @Pointer2

Demo2$ = "654321"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo2$)), Demo2$, @Pointer2

Demo2$ = "!Test!"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo2$)), Demo2$, @Pointer2

6.5. PowerBASIC-Pointer and FLEX-Strings
String-Pointers to FLEX-Strings are defined in PowerBASIC with:


The Pointer is assigned as follows

Pointer1 = VARPTR32(Demo1$)

To use FLEX-Strings you have to use MAP before assigning the Pointer!!

' Demosource showing how to handle pointers and FLEX-Strings

DIM Demo3 AS FLEX ' define string as FLEX!
DIM Pointer AS FLEX PTR ' define pointer as FLEX PTR!
MAP Demo3$$ * 10 '
FLEXCHR$ = "."

Pointer = VARPTR32(Demo3$$) ' assign the pointer

PRINT "Adress: Demo3$$: Pointer:"

Demo3$$ = "123456"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo3$$)), Demo3$$, @Pointer

Demo3$$ = "654321"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo3$$)), Demo3$$, @Pointer

Demo3$$ = "!Test!"
PRINT HEX$(VARPTR32(Demo3$$)), Demo3$$, @Pointer

6.6. PowerBASIC-Pointer and TYPE structures
String-Pointers to TYPE structures are defined in PowerBASIC with:

TYPE Demo4_Struc ' define TYPE

The Pointer is assigned as follows

DIM TypeDemo AS SHARED Demo4_Struc PTR

You will find an example of pointers and TYPE structures in the following

6.7. A little Demonstration (source)
' Handling the Video Ram with pointers in PowerBASIC 3.2
' (c) Thomas Gohel
' A little demonstration that pointers have really no(!!) problem with
' the internal memory-managment. For the successful use of Pointers you
' need very good knowledge of the interna of PowerBASIC.
' This demo abuses the video-ram as storage for strings and shows how
' PRINT commands modify the contents of the two pointers VIDEORAM and
' This routine can be used for fast saving and restoring of the complete
' video-ram:
' @Videoram.Page2 = @Videoram.Page1
' will save the complete content of the first (Video)page to the second
' page for later restauration.

TYPE Zeichen_Struc ' TYPE of a single sign

TYPE Screen_Struc ' TYPE for pages of the video ram
Page1 AS STRING * 4096 ' page 1
Page2 AS STRING * 4096 ' page 2
Page3 AS STRING * 4096 ' page 3
Page4 AS STRING * 4096 ' page 4

DIM Zeichen AS SHARED Zeichen_Struc PTR ' define the TYPE-structur
DIM Videoram AS SHARED Screen_Struc PTR ' as pointers

Videoram = pbvScrnBuff ' Move TYPE-structur to the Be-
' ginning of the video ram.
' PowerBASIC is using/handling
' video ram as fixed memory for
' strings now! :-)))
Zeichen = pbvScrnBuff ' TYPE-Structur is to use the
' same memory-areas as PRINT

SCREEN 0 ' set screen-mode
CLS ' clear screen

PRINT "Dies ist ein Test" ' normal PRINT on the
' screen

PRINT LEFT$(@Videoram.Page1,34) ' show that the PRINT-command
' has filled our structur
' too !!

@Videoram.Page2 = @Videoram.Page1 ' save page1 to page2

@Zeichen.Wert = 76 ' now ZEICHEN is filled with
' a value. At the same time
' the change ist shown on the
@Zeichen.Farbe = 14 ' screen and VIDEORAM is
' modified too !

PRINT LEFT$(@Videoram.Page1,34)

@Videoram.Page1 = @Videoram.Page2 ' restore page1 frome page2


PRINT STRING$(25*80,178); ' filling the screen
LOCATE 1, 14
COLOR 11, 1
PRINT " -= STRING-Manipulation inside the";
PRINT " Video RAM ! =- "
@Videoram.Page2 = @Videoram.Page1

COLOR 14, 1
LOCATE 8,20: PRINT "+----------------------------------------+"
FOR i% = 9 TO 18
LOCATE i%, 20
PRINT "| |"
LOCATE 10, 22: PRINT " Video RAM is handled as string"
LOCATE 11, 22: PRINT " "
LOCATE 13, 22: PRINT " -= Demo for the PowerBASIC-FAQ =- "
LOCATE 19, 20
PRINT "+----------------------------------------+"

@Videoram.Page3 = @Videoram.Page1

FOR i% = 1 to 1000
@Videoram.Page1 = @Videoram.Page2
@Videoram.Page1 = @Videoram.Page3

FOR i% = 1 TO 10
FOR Durchlauf% = 1 TO 256
Zeichen = pbvScrnBuff
FOR Offset% = 1 TO 2048
IF @Zeichen.Wert > 32 THEN
DECR @Zeichen.Wert
Zeichen = Zeichen + 2
NEXT Offset%
NEXT Druchlauf%
@Videoram.Page1 = @Videoram.Page3

7. Hints in Connection with Turbo-C or Borland C++

Short overview:
7.1. The author
7.2. Why write/use external routines for PB3 in C
7.3. The correct memory model
7.4. Limitations by the PowerBASIC 3.x compiler/-linker
7.5. Passing Parameters
7.6. PowerBasic example
7.7. Corresponding C module
7.8. The assembler code, corresponding to the C module
7.9. Usage of routines from external C libraries
7.10. Preparations if PB V2.1 is used

7.1. The author
The hints for "PowerBASIC in cooperation with C compilers like Turbo-C or
Borland C++ have been contributed to This FAQ by:

Andras Hoeffken <***@confusion.rmc.de>
Andras Hoeffken <2:2480/13.34 @ fidonet>
Andras Hoeffken <130:1316/103 @ basnet-Germany>

Very useful hints can also be found in the file CTOPB.FAQ contained in the
original PB Vs. 3.2 distribution.

7.2. Why write/use external routines for PB3 in C
- C routines produce fast running code
- for extremely fast code: first write a C source, then let the C Compiler
translate this source to ASM code (is done much faster as if one would
write ASM code directly, see example), finally optimize the ASM code
- Routines from external C libraries can be used with PB

7.3. The correct memory model
For the generation of *.EXE files (e.g. by MASM or C + LINK) different
memory models can be selected, e.g. Tiny, Small, Medium, Compact,
Large, Huge, ...

For the *.EXE files, generated by PowerBASIC, the following is valid only:
PowerBASIC 3.x - memory model = LARGE
(PB uses 32-bit FAR pointers for both code- and datasegments)

The Borland C compiler in his menu:
Options / Compiler / Code Generation / Model
has therefore to be set to the LARGE model.

7.4. Limitations by the PowerBASIC 3.x compiler/-linker
a) The PB3 linker can only link .OBJ modules, which have ONE data segment,
with a 2nd data segment or a DGROUP the PB3 linker refuses work and
produces Errors. - C compilers in their default set-up always use
several data segment names, which are combined i a DGROUP (this has
certain advantages). For the cooperation with PB, the IDE of the
C-Compilers in its menu:
Options / Compiler / Names
must therefore be set up like:

Code Segment: _TEXT Bss Segment: _DATA
Code Group: Bss Group:
Code Class: TEXT Bss Class: DATA
Data Segment: _DATA Far Data Segment:
Data Group: Far Data Group:
Data Class: DATA Far Data Class:
(the stars, originally present, MUST be erased!)

Now, the C compiler produces only ONE data segment name and no more a

b) The PB3 linker (< Vs. 3.2) does not accept an "_" with segment names
(standard with C), therefore: use "$ALIAS" in the $LINK line
(see example)!

c) The PB3 compiler (< Vs. 3.2) does not accept "_" in names of FUNCTIONS
and SUBs (standard with C), therefore: use "$ALIAS" in DECLARE lines
(see example)!

d) The PB3 compiler transfers parameters to functions and subs in the
order "from right to left" (Pascal convention) and assumes, that the
external routine purges the stack before returning to PB. C compilers
work in the opposite way. Therefore: use "CDECL" in the DECLARE lines
(see example)!

7.5. Passing Parameters
PB3 passes parameters to an external routine by 2 different ways:
- using 'far pointers' ('by reference' or 'by copy')
- by putting the values directly on the stack (BYVAL)

The declarations in the C routines must be selected correspondingly!

7.6. PowerBasic example
In the following .BAS program 2 routines show the mechanisms:
- A: in the add-function "addab" (integer) "c=a+b" is calculated, then
"x=c+1" is returned as the result of the function.
- B: in the string-function "chst" the first character of a string is
replaced by a "*".

--- Cut ------------------------------------------------------------
'PB3_TBC.BAS - linking Turbo C functions into PB3.x

$ALIAS DATA AS "_DATA" 'assignment of one(!) segment name
$LINK "pb3_tbc.obj" 'special C set-up without DGROUP!

DECLARE SUB chst CDECL ALIAS "_chst" (word, word, integer)

CLS: a = 7: b = 1: c = 0
PRINT "c_before =";c 'c=0
x = addab (a, b, c) 'A: c=a+b
PRINT "c_after = a(7) + b(1) =";c 'c=8
PRINT "x = c_after + 1 =";x 'x=9

a$ = "hallo"
CALL chst (strseg(a$), strptr(a$), len(a$)) 'B: change string
PRINT "changed string = ";a$ 'prints "*allo"
--- Cut End --------------------------------------------------------

7.7. Corresponding C modul
--- Cut ------------------------------------------------------------
/* Modul PB3_TBC.C */

#include <dos.h> /* C library function (for strings) */
static int d = 1; /* d and e are put into the same data segment */
static int e; /* d and e are NO PB-variables */

int addab(int far *a, int b, int far *c)
*c = *a + b;
e = *c + d;
return e;

void chst(unsigned far *stseg, unsigned far *stofs, int far *stlen)
char far *stdata; /* pointer to the first string char */

if (*stlen) /* if string length > 0 */
stdata = (char far *) MK_FP(*stseg, *stofs); /* fetch the pointer */
if (stdata) /* if we have a valid string */
*stdata = '*'; /* replace first character */
} /* (do NOT overwrite the string length !) */
--- Cut End --------------------------------------------------------

7.8. The assembler code, corresponding to the C module
If someone is uncertain about the code, produced by the C compiler: get
the corresponding ASM code and look, how compact and fast the C generated
code is.

To get the ASM code, shown below, first the above module PB3_TBC.C was
compiled to PB3_TBC.OBJ (with the set-up of par. 7.4 !!), then with a
disassembler for .OBJ-Files (OBJ2ASM.EXE) the following file PB3_TBC.ASM
was gained. (You can instead order the IDE of the C compiler to produce
equivalent ASM code, too. But with an external .OBJ disassembler, you are
quite better sure, what the PB3_TBC.OBJ module really contains)

--- Cut ------------------------------------------------------------
;File PB3_TBC.ASM (disassembled from PB3_TBC.OBJ)


;attention: no BSS segment, no DGROUP !!

PUBLIC _addab
PUBLIC _chst

assume cs: _TEXT
assume ds: _DATA

push bp
mov bp,sp
; c = a + b:
les bx,dword ptr [bp+006h] ; a
mov ax,es:[bx]
add ax,[bp+00Ah] ; + b
les bx,dword ptr [bp+00Ch]
mov es:[bx],ax ; c
;e = c + d:
mov ax,es:[bx] ;c (line can be put out for optimization)
add ax,$S1 ; + d
mov dx,seg _DATA
mov es,dx
mov es:$S2,ax ; e
;return e:
mov ax,seg _DATA ; (line can be put out for optimization)
mov es,ax ; (line can be put out for optimization)
mov ax,es:$S2 ; ax = e
pop bp

push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,+004h
les bx,dword ptr [bp+00Eh] ; len(a$)
cmp word ptr es:[bx],+000h ; nul?
jz $L3 ; yes
les bx,dword ptr [bp+006h] ; strseg(a$) - segment
mov ax,es:[bx]
les bx,dword ptr [bp+00Ah] ; strptr(a$) - offset
mov dx,es:[bx]
mov [bp-002h],ax ; own pointer
mov [bp-004h],dx
mov ax,[bp-004h]
or ax,[bp-002h] ; pointer = 0?
jz $L3 ; yes
les bx,dword ptr [bp-004h] ; points to first string char
mov byte ptr es:[bx],2Ah ; overwrite char with '*'
mov sp,bp
pop bp


$S1 dw 00001h ; initialized data
$S2 dw 00000h ; uninitialized data (here NOT in the
; BSS segment!)

--- Cut End --------------------------------------------------------

7.9. Usage of routines from external C libraries
Although PB v3.x is much better adapted to C conventions than PB v2.1,
it's mostly still NOT possible to immediately link .OBJ modules,
corresponding to the normal C standard. Reason: C generates more than
one data segment together with a DGROUP. To overcome this, one has to use
C or ASM source code and to re-compile/re-assemble these sources with
corresponding to the aspects of par. 7.3 and 7.4a. There are 2

- With Borland C++ for the most runtime libraries the complete source code
is delivered with the standard distribution including instructions, how
to change the sources, and including MAKE files to re-generate own
versions of the library modules.
- If for an .OBJ module no source code is available, it's mostly possible
with small modules to get the corresponding ASM source code by using an
.OBJ-disassembler. Then, after having adapted the definitions of the
data segments correctly to the PB3 conventions, it can be re-assembled

7.10. Preparations if PB V2.1 is used
The difference between PB v3.x and PB v2.1 is like follows:
PB v2.1 does not know a "$ALIAS" instruction. AS PB v2.1 can not work
with "_" (underscores), in the IDE of the C compiler additional switches
have to be changed:
- with segment names (see par 7.4a) "_" are not allowed
- in the menu "Options / Compiler / Advanced Code Generation" one has to
deactivate the switch "Generate underbars".

PB v2.1 does not know the CDECL instruction. One therefore has to put
instructions into the C source code, that the C functions have to be
compiled corresponding to the PASCAL-conventions (this corresponds to the
PB-convention). For this, e.g in the example of par 7.6 and 7.7, the
following (changed) lines have to be used:

DECLARE SUB chst (word, word, integer)

int pascal addab(int far *a, int b, int far *c)
void pascal chst(unsigned far *stseg, unsigned far *stofs,
int far *stlen)

8. Hints about conversion of Sources from PDS to PowerBASIC 3.x
(from Mark ***@2:2437/47.21 / ***@prg.hannover.sgh-net.de)

Generally you can say that PDS-Sources can be converted into PB3-
Sources. Exceptions are Sources which access foreign libraries and
use of dimensioned elements in a TYPE-Structure.

So, the following does not allow a conversion:
- Foreign libraries
(like VESA-LIB and everything else there is out there...)

- Dimensioned elements in a TYPE-Structure
TYPE tTest
TestElement1 AS LONG
TestElement2(2 to 7) AS INTEGER
TestElement3 AS LONG
- There may be no COMMON, but all variants of the COMMON SHARED-
Command are allowed.
- When COMMON is used to pass parameters to a file
called by CHAIN.
- When it is irrelevant that the variables behind the
COMMON are available in all procedures.

- Arrays with more than 8 Dimensions
- REDIM PRESERVE is not flexible enough yet
- More than 16 Parameters when calling a procedure

When all of these things are not implemented, then the following
things have to be changed while converting:

Basic PDS: |PowerBASIC 3:
|STRPTR32 is only availble from PB3.2 on
|PDS passes SIGNED values.
|This can be changed using $OPTION
Offset of a file opened with OPEN|PB starts every file, you choose,
starts with '1'! |at Zero (Standard) or at one. This can
|be changed with the following command:
|for the start at '1'
DIM SHARED VarName% |This command can be converted in
|two ways:
|- DIM VarName%
| SHARED VarName%
SHARED VarName() AS STRING*3 |Here we have the problem with Strings
|of fixed length, when they can't be
|SHARED in the main program.
|You may not make any Type-statements
|('AS xxx') after SHARED.
| SHARED VarName as string
| will become: SHARED VarName$
| or: SHARED VarName :'in SUBs !
|like this:
|DIM VarName(MIN,DimNum) AS STRING*3
|DIM VarName(MAX,DimNum) AS STRING*3
|where 'DimNum' is the number of
|Dimensions of the Array and the number
|must be entered in the program directly.
COMMON SHARED /Block/ VarN% |All three variants of the COMMON-
COMMON SHARED VarN% |command must be replaced in the main
|program using PUBLIC and in the external
|module (under PB: UNIT) using an EXTERNAL
|You have to watch that the variable names
|MUST be identifyable, and without a Type.
|All Type-Structures 'AS xxx' are not
|valid in PB3.
|Die Block-statement (/Block/) is not
|needed, because everything is not
|chained to the name. (->Incompatibility!)
COMMON VarN% |Can only be converted if the variable
|after the COMMON will be passed to a
|program started with the CHAIN-Command,
|or the COMMON could be a COMMON SHARED
|It is not allowed to use Type-statements
|('AS xxx'), like with the COMMON SHARED.
|All Type-statements must be removed
'$INCLUDE: 'filename.ext' |$INCLUDE "filename.ext"
CONST VarName$ = "xyz" |The variable must be replaced in the
CONST VarName# = 1.23 |whole program with the specified value.
CONST VarName! = 1.23 |
CONST VarName@ = 1.23 |
CONST VarName% = 123 |Becomes
CONST VarName& = 123 |%VarName = 123 both times.
|If a Constant-Name is used twice,
|with different Datatypes, one of the
|two must be replaced in the entire
|source with 'VarName%' or 'VarName&'.
IF x THEN : ' Test |In PB only the ':' has to be
something |removed and it will be compiled without
END IF |problems.
CALL Test(x) |passed to a procedure without
END |problems, because PB needs a VARIABLE-
SUB Test(x$) |LENGTH-STRING or instead of the 'x$' an
END SUB |'x AS STRING * 3' in the SUB-Header.
|You have to use a temporary way over a
|temporary String:

It would be idle to write a converter for the Constants-Conversion,
because this would be the main part when converting big projects. At
the same time you can of course do the stuff with the COMMON SHAREDs
and the DIM SHAREDs and of course with the META-Statements, as well as

When interrupt calls are made with a CALL INTERRUPT or CALL
INTERRUPTX, then you can rebuild the Routine 'INTERRUPTX' in the
InLine-Assembler and then convert all calls of 'INTERRUPT' to
'INTERRUPTX' or directly do it in the InLine-Assembler or you can use
the PowerBASIC 'CALL INTERRUPT'- Routine, where you will have to
convert all register statements...

9. Available Shareware & Public Domain Solutions

There are many more Toolboxes, but I just want to present you a few
of the most important.

9.1. PBSOUND for PowerBASIC 3.0/3.2
9.2. HiVGA for PowerBASIC 2.1/3.2
9.3. PBVISION/PRO for PowerBASIC 3.x
9.4. PBCompress for PowerBASIC 3.1
9.5. Personal Protocol/Communication Library for PowerBASIC
9.6. POW! - Sound Blaster Toolkit
9.7. PBGUI Toolkit for PowerBASIC 3.0
9.8. PBWizard
9.9. SVGA for PowerBASIC
9.10. MAXLIB for PowerBASIC v1.2
9.11. DWDOOR for PowerBASIC 3.x
9.12. Special-Power / Spezialtools for PowerBASIC 2.1/3.0
9.13. BWSB - Bells, Whistles and Sound Boards
9.14. Public Domain Sourcen from german programmers
9.15. Public Domain Sourcen welche oft benötigt werden

9.1. PBSOUND for PowerBASIC 3.0/3.2
Language: German / English
Author : Thomas Gohel
| Version : v1.90
Price : 40,-DM/80,-DM / $40/$80 (privat/commercial)
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: PBSOUND
Fido-Request with Magic 'PBSOUND' at 2:2410/330 (33.6 & ISDN)
InterNet: http://www.snafu.de/~pbsound/
File : PBSOUND.ZIP (v1.80)
The recommended Operatingsystem for PBSOUND for PowerBASIC is MS-DOS
in the Versions 5.0, 6.x, 7.0 or MS-Windows 95.
- support all Creative Labs Sound Blaster models, SB16 and
SB32AWE incl. Upgradeboards such as WaveBlaster I+II and
Roland SoundCanvas SCD10/15
- supports the internal PC-Speaker
- playback from MIDI- and VOC-Files in the background and within
the IDE
- no size limits with VOC-files
- playback/recording up to 44100, Stereo and 16bit with a SB16
or SB32AWE
- support the SBPro/SB16 mixers
- Speechsynthesis with SBTALKER.EXE
- Online-Help for the PowerBASIC-IDE
- PBPLAY, MIDI/VOC-player tool
- PBREC, VOC-recording tool
- PBSPEAK, VOC/WAV player for speaker
- PBW2V, VOC<->WAV conversion program
- with PBSOUND-library & EXE conception!
- You can now create executable PowerBASIC files up to 4GigaByte
- demo & introductoryprogram
- complete with INSTALL & SETUP-Program
- with source:
to programming the CT-VOICE.DRV & the SBPro mixerchip

9.2. HiVGA for PowerBASIC 2.1/3.2
Language: German / English
Author : Matthaeus Stadler
Version : v2.0
Price : 40,-DM
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: Toolkits (Deutschland)
Fido-Request with Magic 'PBHIVGA' at 2:2410/330 (33.6 & ISDN)
InterNet: http://www.snafu.de/~pbsound/
- fast graphic routines for standard VGA, SVGA and VESA 256-,
32k and 65k colors, automatic VGA Adapter recognition.
- basic graphic routines, splitscreen, scrolling, floodfill,
GetImg, SetImg, sprite routines, bitmap scaling.
- loads and saves PCX-, Targa-, HVS-files.
- linking of bitmaps to the program .exe file.
- mouse routines for all modes, scalable text, fading, color-
cycling, color definition.
- up to 4 pages in 320*200, several pages up to 1600*1200.
- including user defined fonts (until 16x32)
- possible usage of free VGA memory for graphics.
- no functional restrictions in shareware version.
- demo program with sourcecode included.

| 9.3. PB/VISION PRO for PowerBASIC 3.x
| -------------------------------------
| Language: English
| Author : Daniel P. Stasinski (published by PowerBASIC, Inc.)
| Version : 2.1
| Price : $20.00
| Supply : http://www.powerbasic.com/files/pub/visndemo.zip
| Contents:
| - Create SAA-Interfaces with all that is needed
| - with Workshop to create Interfaces
| - PC-Tools/Norton Utilities Look possible

9.4. PBCompress for PowerBASIC 3.1
Language: English
Author : Greg Turgeon
Version : V1.1
Price : $39.00/$69.00 (without or with Sourcecode)
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: Toolkits (allgemein)
Contents: - Filecompression and Decompressionutility
- Statusbar
- compresses to the space MS Compress does
- quite fast

9.5. Personal Protocol/Communication Library for PowerBASIC
Language: English
Author : MarshallSoft Computing
Version : V4.3 (Communication)
V1.0 (Protocol)
Price : $65 (Communication / $40 (Protocol)
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: DFUE, BBS and FidoNET
some BBSes/Filenets (BasNet) in Germany
File : PCL4PB43.ZIP
Contents: a) Personal Protocol Library V1.0 for PowerBASIC:
ZMODEM protocols.
b) Personal Comm Library V4.3 for PowerBASIC:
- COM1-COM20, 115.200 Baud, 4 to 20 Ports, 16550 UARTs,
and much more.

9.6. POW! - Sound Blaster Toolkit
Language: English
Author : Tim Gerchmez
Version : V1.0
Price : $39.95
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: Sound Blaster
ftp.eskimo.com/u/f/future (Tim's Homepage)
File : POW!1_0.ZIP
Contents: - Replay of 8bit Samples using DMA
- CMF-Replay using SBFMDRV.COM
- Speechreplay using SBTALKER.EXE
- POW-Library Concept for Samples

9.7. PBGUI Toolkit for PowerBASIC 3.0
no longer available

9.8. PBWizard
Language: English
Author : Thomas G. Hanlin
Version : V2.1
Price : $99.95 (no Shareware-Version)
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: Toolkits (allgemein)
File : PBWIZ21.ZIP
Contents: - Many additional functions
- replacements of some PowerBASIC-Routines
- Sound Blaster using SBSIM (TSR-Driver needed)
- XMS/EMS Support
- CRC16
- and more and more and more...

9.9. SVGA for PowerBASIC
Language: English
Author : Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill (Zephyr Software)
Version : V2.4
Price : $35.00
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: Grafik (allgemein)
Contents: - Usage of nearly all VGA/SVGA-Modes
- very good in all Modes (really reccomended!)
- Loading of PCX-Files (GIF in older Versions)
- many useful Graphicroutines
- Sprites and much more

9.10. MAXLIB for PowerBASIC v1.2
Language: English
Author : Brian McLaughlin
| Info : no longer supported and removed from the market!
File : MAX12A.ZIP
Contents: - Usage of EMS/XMS to save Array's
- I/O-Functions

9.11. DWDOOR for PowerBASIC 3.x
Language: English
Author : James R. Davis
Version : V3.1
Price : $35.00/$65.00 (with printed manual)
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: DFUE, BBS and FidoNet
Contents: - writing DOORS for BBS-Systems
- supports PCBoard, RBBS, QBBS, GAP, Widcat v2+3, WWIV,
SPITFIRE, Ultra BBS and others...
- Full ANSI and FOSSIL-Support

9.12. Special-Power / Special tools for PowerBASIC 2.1/3.0
Language: German / English
Author : Stefan Machwirth
Version : v1.10
Price : $ 36.- (38,- DM within Europe)
Supply : Mailboxes, The german Basic Network (BasNet)
PowerBASIC Filearea: Toolkits (Deutschland)
InterNet: http://www.snafu.de/~pbsound/
* DDESWAP 2.1:
- extended SHELL-command; reduces the need of memory of a
program to 1.4 kB while running other EXEs
- returns errorlevel
- supports recursive starts of EXEs
- DDE-functions for data-exchange between DOS-programs
- configuration either with TSR-usage or as runtime-version
* DLZV 1.1:
- data-compression with high-level interface for your sources
* CRYPT 1.0:
- password-protection with an one-way-method
- encodes strings and whole files
- no need for debug-protection
- not to crack except with very special brute-force-methods
* BASXREF 1.32:
- free crossreference-tool to check your sources
* MERGE-N-SORT 1.01:
- high-end sorting-tool with source
- assorts fixed-length (random-) files and textfiles
- assorting by several fields in ascending or descending order

9.13. BWSB - Bells, Whistles and Sound Boards
Language: English
Author : Edward T. Schlunder
Version : 1.20
Price : $30/$50 (normal/with ASM Sourcecode)
Supply : PowerBASIC filearea: Sound Blaster
Internet: http://earthvision.asu.edu/~edward/
File : BWSB120A.ZIP
Contents: - Moduleplayer (S3M, MOD, 669, ULT, MED, FAR STM) for
- Suppots GUS, Sb1.x, SB2.x, SBPRO, SB16 & PAS
- All routines in 386-Code (OBJ-Files)
- also usable by QB, PDS, TP, C, C++ and ASM

9.14. Public Domain Sources from German Programmers
These Routines were already published over Computernets and can
principally be ordered or downloaded OnLine from the 'PowerBASIC-
Filearea: Sourcen'. A complete List can be ordered using the Magic
'PBFILES' (Please remind the Requesttimes!)

Here is a little selection of often needed Sources. CrossPoint-Users
can request with 'M' and 'F3' immediately <g>:

Name: Description:
CHKFILE.BAS - Check if File exists
COPPER.BAS - Copper Demo (Source for BasNet-Intro)
DATUM.BAS - Get current Day of Week
DIR.BAS - Advanced Directory Functions (incl. Time etc.)
DIR32.BAS - Advanced Directory Functions for PowerBASIC 3.2
(with Pointers)
DIR95.BAS - Advanced Directory Routines for Windows 95
DISKFREE.BAS - Find size of Hard Disk
DOS-SYS.BAS - Detect all installed drives
DOSXMLIB.ZIP - XMS/Disk Routines
ENV.BAS - Change Environment (pass Error 7)
FILECOPY.BAS - Filecopy (via Inline-Assembler) with File- and Timestamps
FIRE.BAS - Fire (Firesimulation)
LADEFONT.BAS - 15 special ASCII charcter in textmode
LUPE.BAS - Magnification Glass Demonstration
PBCPU.BAS - CPU-Detection in 'true' PowerBASIC (8088-Pentium Pro)
PBCRC32.ZIP - High speed CRC32 Routines
PBSHELL.BAS - Alternative SHELL-Command (with ERROR-Level)
PBSOUND.ZIP - Programming of the CT-VOICE.DRV
PBSOUND.ZIP - Programming of the SBPro Mixer
PBUNIX.ZIP - Calculation of UNIX-Time
PFAD.BAS - Get path in which the called program is located
PSL-FLI.ZIP - FLI-Player Extension for PBSOUND Librarys
SCROLL.BAS - Scrolling of the screen (VGA-BIOS)
SETDATE.BAS - Modify date and time of files
STARWARS.BAS - A Scroller in Star Wars Look
TEXTMAP.BAS - Texture mapping in PowerBASIC
TEXTMAUS.BAS - Change the Mouse cursor in textmode
TIMEDATE.BAS - Routines for date and time processing
UHR-TSR.BAS - TSR-clock using Timerinterrupt &h1C
WINTOOLS.BAS - Check if program runs under Windows, Timeslice
WOCHE.BAS - Weekdayroutines
XMAS.ZIP - DMA-Channel programming (8bit), here in form of a

9.15. Public Domain Sources which are needed often
There is often a request for the same sources in the Programmerechos.
Here is a little Hitlist of international sources:

Name: Description:
BARCODE*.BAS - Routines for Barcodes
CMDPARSE.BAS - Check Commandline or Environ$
DBASE.BAS - dBASE-Routines
EDIT$U.ZIP - String-Editor Routine
EDITBOX$.BAS - String-Editor Routine
EDITOR.BAS - String-Editor Routine
GIF-LOAD.BAS - Loading GIF-Pictures
LANSI_31.BAS - Routines to display ANSI-Pictures
NET41.ZIP - Create Fido-Netmails
PARSECMD.BAS - Check Commandline or Environ$
PB3-DBF.BAS - dBASE III Interface
PBFOSSIL.ZIP - Unit to steer a Fossildriver
PBGIF.ZIP - Loading and converting a 320*200*256 GIF-Picture in
the BSAVE format
PBLANT.BAS - LANTastic Function Calls
PBNET.BAS - Networkfunctions for INT &h21, Function &h5F
PCX320.ZIP - PCX-Loaderroutine for 320*200 & 256 Colors
PCXVGA.BAS - PCX-Loaderroutine for 640*480 & 16 Colors

10. The people from PowerBASIC

Of course every Programming Language has brought up special people,
which are known in the public for special work or tools.

10.1. USA - United States of America
10.2. BRD - Germany, german speaking area
10.3. Fido/InterNet - The people from PowerBASIC

10.1. USA - United States of America
Of course the two most known PowerBASICers of all:

Bob Zale - actually developed PowerBASIC and calls it
his Lifetime work.
***@powerbasic.com (Bob Zale)

Also quite known in the United States are:

Dave Navarro - earlier at PowerBASIC Inc., and now known for
his "www.basicguru.com" project
James C. Fuller - PBGUI
Daniel Stasinski - PB/Vision (graphical SAA-Interfaces)
Tom G. Hanlin - PB Wizard (loads of additional Functions)
Tim Gerchmez - POW! (Sound Blaster Routines)
Greg Turgeon - PBCompress (Compressor/Decompressor Unit and
some PD-Sources)
Stephen L. Balkum - SVGA for PowerBASIC (Zephyr Software)
Daniel A. Sill - SVGA for PowerBASIC (Zephyr Software)

10.2. BRD - Germany, german speaking area
Some people have become known for special things, especially at

Patrick Biercher - PowerGRAPH
Dirk Hilger - PowerTOOLS
Thomas Reichardt - PowerISAM

Further on there are some people on the PD and Shareware-Market which
are quite known for their Tools:

Thomas Gohel - PBSOUND
Matthaues Stadler - HiVGA

10.3. Fido/InterNet - The people from PowerBASIC
Without the many messages or ideas this FAQ would not by far be what
it is today. This is why I would like to use the occasion to thank
some people personally:

Thomas Gohel - Author of PBSOUND for PowerBASIC, Author of this
PowerBASIC-FAQ and many other things...
And I seem to be responsible for the PowerBASIC-
Support here... ;)
Andras Hoeffken - Measuringinstrumentsteering in PowerBASIC
- Chapter 'C++ and PowerBASIC'
Stephan Guenther - graphical conversion of all pictures with
Highlight Professional V1.0 for "Windows New
- incl. all rendered Graphics and Animations
Thomas Geiger - english Version of this FAQ
- for some tips for this FAQ
Mark Junker - Chapter 'Converting PDS to PB'
- for some tips for this FAQ
Wolfgang Bruske - english Version of the Chapter 'Pointer'
| Dave Navarro - for his comments to this FAQ
Bernd Richter - for the correctness of quite some information
Peter Cooper - for the grammatical correctness of the english
Marc van den Dikkenberg
- for some tips for this FAQ
Roland Arendes - for some tips for this FAQ
Roland Osen - dito
Wolfram Sang - dito
Dr.P.Jennewein - dito
Martin Kiewitz - dito
Alexander Podkolzin - dito


InterNet: http://www.gohel.de
Email: ***@gohel.de
Fax: +49-30-47300910

BBS, Line 1: +49-30-47300910 (24h, 8N1, X75, V.42b, CCB, 64000/128000bps)
Line 2: +49-30-47300910 (24h, 8N1, V.42b, V.FC, V.34, 9600-33600bps)

<EOF> - End of the offical PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ
(c) Thomas Gohel, all rights reserved
Dominic Sexton
2006-05-01 10:20:42 UTC
In article <***@basicguru.de>, Thomas Gohel <***@basicguru.de>
Post by Thomas Gohel
PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.50
English Version (DOS)
Thomas could you please cross-post these posts to both
comp.lang.basic.powerbasic & alt.lang.powerbasic rather than posting
them individually.

That way users of decent news reader programs who subscribe to both
groups will only see them as a 'new' post once.

Dominic Sexton
Thomas Gohel
2006-05-04 17:15:00 UTC
On 01 May 06, in article "Re: PowerBASIC-FAQ, english issue", Dominic Sexton wrote:

Hello Dominic,
Post by Dominic Sexton
Post by Thomas Gohel
PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.50
Thomas could you please cross-post these posts to both
comp.lang.basic.powerbasic & alt.lang.powerbasic rather than posting
them individually.
Should be fixed (it's now crossposted).


/ h o m a s
email : ***@gohel.de / ***@basicguru.de (PGP-Key available)
www : http://www.gohel.de / http://www.pbhq.de (PowerBASIC)
fax/bbs: +49-30-47300910 (VFC, V34+, X75, ISDN, CCB, 9600-128000bps)
2006-05-05 11:57:37 UTC
Post by Thomas Gohel
Hello Dominic,
Post by Dominic Sexton
Post by Thomas Gohel
PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.50
Thomas could you please cross-post these posts to both
comp.lang.basic.powerbasic & alt.lang.powerbasic rather than posting
them individually.
Should be fixed (it's now crossposted).
/ h o m a s
www : http://www.gohel.de / http://www.pbhq.de (PowerBASIC)
fax/bbs: +49-30-47300910 (VFC, V34+, X75, ISDN, CCB, 9600-128000bps)
What is crossposted??

Dominic Sexton
2006-05-05 13:57:49 UTC
Post by L***@UnReal.invalid
Post by Thomas Gohel
Hello Dominic,
Post by Dominic Sexton
Post by Thomas Gohel
PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.50
Thomas could you please cross-post these posts to both
comp.lang.basic.powerbasic & alt.lang.powerbasic rather than posting
them individually.
Should be fixed (it's now crossposted).
Thanks Thomas.
Post by L***@UnReal.invalid
Post by Thomas Gohel
/ h o m a s
www : http://www.gohel.de / http://www.pbhq.de (PowerBASIC)
fax/bbs: +49-30-47300910 (VFC, V34+, X75, ISDN, CCB, 9600-128000bps)
What is crossposted??
Cross posting is when the same message is sent to two or more newsgroups
at once. Most newsreader software can identify that a post has been
crossposted so that reading the post in one newsgroup will also mark
that post in other groups as read.

If more than one post with the same content is sent individually to more
than one relevant group people reading more than one group will see the
message more than once.

Posts should only be crossposted to relevant groups. It can lead to
confusion where the groups have little or no common ground.

Replying to a crossposted post will usually reply to all the groups
unless the user edits the groups or the original post had the follow-up
Dominic Sexton
2006-05-06 07:07:42 UTC
Post by Dominic Sexton
Post by L***@UnReal.invalid
Post by Thomas Gohel
Hello Dominic,
Post by Dominic Sexton
Post by Thomas Gohel
PowerBASIC.GER-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.50
Thomas could you please cross-post these posts to both
comp.lang.basic.powerbasic & alt.lang.powerbasic rather than posting
them individually.
Should be fixed (it's now crossposted).
Thanks Thomas.
Post by L***@UnReal.invalid
Post by Thomas Gohel
/ h o m a s
www : http://www.gohel.de / http://www.pbhq.de (PowerBASIC)
fax/bbs: +49-30-47300910 (VFC, V34+, X75, ISDN, CCB, 9600-128000bps)
What is crossposted??
Cross posting is when the same message is sent to two or more newsgroups
at once. Most newsreader software can identify that a post has been
crossposted so that reading the post in one newsgroup will also mark
that post in other groups as read.
If more than one post with the same content is sent individually to more
than one relevant group people reading more than one group will see the
message more than once.
Posts should only be crossposted to relevant groups. It can lead to
confusion where the groups have little or no common ground.
Replying to a crossposted post will usually reply to all the groups
unless the user edits the groups or the original post had the follow-up
Dominic Sexton
I know what crossposting is I was curious about the actual question.
Dominic Sexton
2006-05-06 11:07:27 UTC
Post by L***@UnReal.invalid
I know what crossposting is I was curious about the actual question.
Well I'm sorry that I misunderstood your question. I still do not
understand what it is you were asking.
Dominic Sexton
2006-05-21 10:50:02 UTC
Post by Dominic Sexton
Thomas could you please cross-post these posts to both
comp.lang.basic.powerbasic & alt.lang.powerbasic rather
than posting them individually.
That way users of decent news reader programs who subscribe
to both groups will only see them as a 'new' post once.
There is no reason why a newsreader has to be designed so that it
can't suppress multiposts as well as crossposts, and indeed I added
code to my newsreader that does exactly that. It's simple, really;
the crosspost-duplicate-supressor remembers the message-ID of each
article viewed, so I just duplicated that code and had it remember
a CRC of each article viewed. Feel free to ask the author of the
Turnpike news reader to add this feature. :)

There is a difference in bandwidth, but when you consider the fact
that there are individuals who post more bytes into a DVD-ISO group
in a day than all users have posted to all text newsgroups since
the start of Usenet, the bandwidth argument is quite weak.
