Post by Daniel L. BatemanDoes anyone know how to set the DLL properties that you can see when
you right-click on a DLL file, such as Source, Author, and Revision
Number? Can't find anything here or in the help file.
(Sorry a reply has taken so long; I haven't had an internet
connection for over two months, and I guess no one else is interested
in answering.)
I don't have the DLL compiler, so I don't know whether or not this
will apply (although I assume it does), but in PBWin 7, you have to
make an RC script. It will look something like this:
[begin foo.rc - this line is not part of the file]
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904B0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Foo.dll - needed by Foo.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright ©2004 My Name"
VALUE "ProductName", "Foo.dll"
VALUE "FileVersion", "1.0.1"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.0.1"
VALUE "InternalName", "Foo.dll"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "Foo.dll"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0409 0x04B0
[end foo.rc - this line is not part of the file]
Most of that is fairly self-explanatory, I think. I'm *think* that if
you look up resources in the help file, you should get some info - but
since I don't have PB installed on this macheen and I can't currently
access the one that *does* have it, I can't verify that.
Everything within BLOCK "StringFileInfo" is (apparently) optional.
Also, since I based that stuff on an automagically-generated .rc
script, generated by a product that made it from an old VB version of
one of my DLLs, I don't know the legal values of some of that stuff;
"it was just there" and I had no reason to change it.
Anyway, once you have your .rc file written, the IDE should be able to
compile it to what you need - a .pbr file - which you then #include in
you main source file:
#include "foo.pbr" (or whatever it's called)
Compile and you're golden.
auric underscore underscore at hotmail dot com
Now I just need to regen my sigmonster again...